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[ Art: 8000 ] KildeMedic® BiothesioMeter

BIOTHESIOMETER TO DETECT NEUROPATY # Windows based PC software # Custom set interpretation rules. # Test key to cross check patient perception. # Digital and stepless indicator from 0 to 50 Volts # Multiple operation mode (Plantar and Penile) software. # 0-50 volts Digital Indicator # E-mail Facility # Robust and modular design. # Ability to print on A4 size paper. # Optional single or multipage report. # Customised PDF report printing facility. # E-mail and simple report printing facility. # DICOM supported reporting. # Full solid state design # CE marked as Medical device class 1 # Customized PDF Report Printing Facility # Made with Full Solid State Design # Simple Report Printing Capability

[ Art: 8000 ] KildeMedic® BiothesioMeter Onesize
[ Art: 8000 ] KildeMedic® BiothesioMeter Neutral