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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

This Teen Helps Formerly Incarcerated Youth Reenter Society

Jane Lyons was a high school freshman when she started a non-profit with her brother to help formerly incarcerated youth. Youth Overcoming Obstacles (YOO) is dishing out second chances. Now 18, this Delaware based woman recalls that the idea of prison stopped being an abstract concept when her neighbor was sent to the local juvenile detention center, Ferris School for Boys. “[Teens at Ferris] feel as if society is stacked against them,” Lyons said in a recent TEDxYouth show. “They simply think that our world is waiting for them to make a mistake.” Lyons realizes that everyone’s needs are unique,…

Newcomer Academy Helps All Kids Succeed

In Dalton, Georgia, a local public school recently launched a program to help unaccompanied minors find their footing. Newcomer Academy works to not only acclimate immigrant children, but to ensure they succeed and thrive in their new home. Most kids need help not only learning a new language, but understanding a new culture and environment. “We are a public school system and we do not check immigration status. If a child comes to our door we want to serve them,” Woodason – one of the teachers – told WSBTV. “We believe in what we’re doing. We’re excited.” Some students…