Sure, there are dozens of new podcasts cropping up every day. There are only so many spare hours in each day—so how do you choose? Well, here are three pods that we know to be spectacular and well worth your time. Press play and enjoy doing those chores you’ve been putting off all week.
Presented by our friends at Roads & Kingdoms, this brand new podcast explores stories that Anthony Bourdain describes as “your passport to all things weirder, deeper, further.” These journalists take listeners on some spectacular adventures to find a legendary Cuban porn star from the 60s, and to spend time with families in Madagascar who celebrate the dead by dancing with their bones. By witnessing these stories, those who lead lives so far away begin to feel very close to home. Get your adventure on here.
• More Perfect
More Perfect takes us deep into the bowels of the Supreme Court, giving us an intimate look into cases that have previously been “untouchable and even unknowable”. Presented by the good folks at Radiolab, we can now get the real scoop on stories like “how a major battle in the struggle for gender equality was won with beer” and the debate over what counts as hate speech online. Get listening.
• In the Thick
In this award-winning pod by The Futuro Media Group, Maria Hinojosa and Julio Ricardo Varela have teamed up to cover stories that mainstream media eschews. Remezcla describes ‘In the Thick’ as the pod you should listen to in order to stay sane in Trump’s America. For these two, reporting isn’t activism, it’s honest journalism. Hinojosa and Varela get in the trenches with the inner workings of MS-13, remind us to keep Puerto Rico on our minds and give us updates on the DACA saga. Yes, it’s big stuff, but they offer it with a sense of levity, reminding us there is always something we can do to help. Stay woke and listen here.
Feature photo: Adweek
What do a NYC fashionista and a Pakistani millennial have in common? Ali Hassoun is ready to show ya. He’s a juxtaposition wizard whose paintings cut to the root of what makes us, well, us. Take the fashionista and the…
Mark your calendars, SF folks! On January 20th, 2018, a special benefit show by Two Piano Journey will be held at the SF War Memorial & Performing Arts Center. All proceeds will go towards Wu Yee Children’s Services. Wu Yee Children’s Services was founded in 1977 by San Francisco-based social workers, parents, and teachers who wanted to ensure that everyone had…
In West Philadelphia, the EAT (Everyone At the Table ) Café cooks up nourishing meals and serves them to everyone that comes in, regardless of the thickness of their wallet. Of the approximately 60 community cafes in the US, EAT Cafe is one of a few that offers a full-service meal. EAT works in collaboration with Drexel University, Vetri Community Partnership, and the West…