Maria, Resilient in Every Way

Resilient Coders believes that – no matter their history – every kid deserves a fair shake at success. They’re hacking the opportunity gap by leading Boston youth of all backgrounds down the pretty path of code.

Here’s how they do it: mentorship, rigorous bootcamps, and a program called ‘the Lab’ where they pair bootcamp grads with experts to work on client projects together. Students are primed to have wildly successful careers in web development.

David Delmar, Executive Director and Founder, believes that tech is “an opportunity for real meritocracy (…) and in the resilience of Boston’s youth.”

Resilient Coders welcomed Maria Inés into the program as a front-end developer. She’s never shied away from pushing the envelope or trying something new. In 2013, she was part of Dream 9, a group of DREAMers (minors who immigrated to the US illegally and were allowed to stay under an Obama-era policy) that donned their graduation gowns and intentionally got themselves detained at the border as an act of political defiance.


Resilient Coders team
Maria (second from the left) standing by the border with members of Dream 9. (Photo: Latino USA)


Their goal? To help shift the dominant narrative about undocumented immigrants and remind us the limbo many young adults face today. Maria – who is fluently bilingual – became a surrogate voice for many other women detainees she met there.

She’s back in the US now and considers herself an American. This is where she choses to build her future and RC is helping her do that, one piece of code at a time.

Share Maria’s story to keep the conversation going.

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