Our Hearts are Heavy for Vegas

This week we mourn the lives lost and send love, light and energy to their friends and families. We honor the first-responders, law enforcement and everyone on the scene of the tragedy who helped out – your empathy and courage are an inspiration.

Thousands affected by the shooting and the Las Vegas community will now come together and start a long and painful road towards recovery. We wish them healing. We can’t imagine the grief.

New Sincerity is an inclusive community that believes in empathy and taking action. We don’t wait around for someone else to take that first step – we leap. Here are some things you can do today to rise up and care for strangers.

• Donate your blood.

If you’re in Las Vegas – wonderful! If you’re not, donate locally to help a stranger neighbor. How wild is it you can literally give your own life force to help someone else?



• Give to the National Compassion Fund

This organization gives direct financial support to victims of mass crime. One-hundred percent of all proceeds will go directly to the Las Vegas victims and their families.  Go here to pitch your dollar and to show that, no matter what, we have their back.

• Follow and donate to Everytown

This devastation is part of a larger issue of gun violence. Did you know it’s easier to buy a gun than get a food handler’s license? There are more gun stores in the US than there are Starbucks in the world. Hmmmm… something isn’t right. Everytown is a movement of politicians, cops, moms and gun owners who know that comprehensive gun reform is necessary. Donate here to get those gun laws and policies reformed. 

• Be sweet to each other. 

‘Nuff said.



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