Giant Steps, Music Program For Social Change

Giant Steps believes music can inspire social change. Operating out of Impact Hub San Francisco, they’re bringing together musicians and their fans to connect online and do good in the world. It’s a really creative concept and a big freakin’ deal, because the passion of artists and their community is the stuff movements are made of.

This nonprofit is building a web platform to connects listeners to socially conscious music playlists, as well as creating ways to get users involved in causes around the world.

For artists Giant Steps has created the Music Action Lab, a 4-week residency in the Bay Area that’s helping musicians turn their vision for change into social action. The debut of the MAL ensemble is a remarkable group representing over 6 countries; talk about mixing up that love potion and spreading it far and wide!



Giant Steps Founder Drew Foxman believes that “the intersection of music & technology has the potential to create huge positive change in the world, and The Lab is where we give artists the skills they need to make an impact.”

The ensemble debuts their eclectic blend of world, jazz, funk, and hip-hop at Z Space on Saturday, October 8.

Here’s to a future full of all of us groovin’ together.

Read about Giant Steps collaborator and Tunisian musician, Emel Mathlouthi.

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