SF Women Against Rape

SF Women Against Rape has your back.

While they’re widely known for their amazing work supporting victims of rape and mitigating the problem through education, this women-of-color-led, primarily volunteer-based organization offers up advice that everyone can find useful.

After 2016’s seemingly endless string of big knocks, SFWAR sent out a newsletter focused on self-care. They curated some helpful tips to hack the healing process—like how to nurture healthy relationships, dial in better lifestyle habits, and ask for help when you need it.

Centering yourself opens up more room in your mind, body, and creative spirit to help others. So, let’s tend those inner gardens y’all—cause then, and only then, can we be the rascals we need to be.

Now repeat this legendary bit of wisdom from writer Audre Lorde and commit it to memory: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.”

If you live in the Bay Area, SFWAR is accepting volunteers. Visit their Support page for more info.

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