Why ‘Moonlight’ is a More Important Movie Than You Think

There are SO MANY reasons to love Moonlight, but the cherry on the sundae is that Joi McMillion, the film’s editor, was the first black woman ever to be nominated for an editing Oscar. It’s alarming that she is a first, but it’s also exciting because Joi totally deserves the recognition.
In an interview with Lenny Letter (which we all should be subscribed to by the way), Joi talks about how a movie about the life of a gay black male can resonate so deeply with people of every gender and color.
“They’re like, ‘This movie, I’m still thinking about it,’ and it’s because these moments we experience in life, they unite us. Yes, the cast is all black, and yes, it’s all set in Liberty City, Miami, but Moonlight is an American film. It was definitely presented in a way where, like, I’m telling you this story, but I’m not trying to alienate you. I’m trying to include you.”
This, we love. Love love love. Love. Inclusion y’all – it’s the ticket.

[HT Lenny Letter]



Rise up! Hit share, because she deserves the recognition.

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