Skid Row Coffee

Skid Row is a neighborhood in LA known for being a ‘dumping ground’ for homeless people. Today it houses the largest stable homeless population in the world.

Skidrow Coffee is a neighborhood pop-up coffee shop and job training program for people of low-income. Working in collaboration with Bar Nine roastery, they serve impeccable caffeinated delights to the local community and greater LA.

“One of our goals is to establish a permanent location in Skid Row to serve as a safe, inclusive, and creative space for Skid Row community members to connect, dialogue, study, and of course enjoy very good coffee and nourishing food with price points that fit the demographics.”

What’s even more exciting is that they aim to elevate (and caffeinate) events and projects they’re stoked about. You’ll find them slingin’ beans at local documentary screenings, photo exhibits highlighting homeless life, or good old-fashioned streetball tournaments.

That’s the kind of grassroots business we are sooo excited to see. More of this, please!


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