Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

JP Sears: Comedy and Sincerity Go Hand in Hand

You may have stumbled across JP Sears’ comedy videos taking loving pokes at ‘New Age’ lifestyles. He’s a Youtube sensation who first caught the eye of folks online in 2013. Now, with more than 600k subscribers, he makes fun of everything from the essential oil fad, gluten intolerance, astrology, and Bitcoin. His jokes are good—sometimes too good—and make us question ourselves…

Simusolar, Startup Giving Affordable, Green Electricity to Tanzanians

From Cali suburbs to rural Africa, Marianne Walpert is a physicist that makes solar happen. When Californians first started putting solar on their houses, the utility companies took all the extra energy. Ouch. Marianne pushed through laws that ensured homeowners get paid for the energy they create. Her newest endeavor is called Simusolar, a startup that provides solar electricity to…

Why Astrology is Making a Comeback Among Millennials

You may have noticed that astrology is no longer a New Age woo-woo practice. These days, you won’t be surprised to find tarot cards on department store shelves or hear your friends chalking up their life troubles to Mercury in retrograde. Astrology has made real a comeback and some folks are studying why. Bertram Malle, a social cognitive scientist at…

Toni Stone, First Female to Take on Professional Baseball

Marcenia Lyle “Toni” Stone grew up playing baseball with the neighborhood kids, quickly earning the nickname Tomboy Stone. She was the first girl to land a position in the St. Peter Claver Catholic Church boys’ baseball team and went on to become the first of three women to become professional baseball players. In 1953, Stone signed with the professional ‘Negro…

Son of Migrant Workers Literally Goes to the Moon

In 2004, José M. Hernández finally went to the moon after 11 attempts – but how he got there is why he’s the most impressive astronaut in the universe. The child of Mexican migrant workers in California, Hernández remembers the moment he realized he wanted to go to space: “I was hoeing a row of sugar beets in a field…