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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

California Ushers in the ‘Gender Recognition Act’

California Governor Jerry Brown just signed into law the acknowledgment of a third gender: non-binary. Now, those who don’t fall within the bounds of male or female can check the non-binary box for their driver’s licenses and birth certificates. “Non-binary is an umbrella term for people with gender identities that fall somewhere outside of the traditional conceptions of strictly either female or…

First Lutheran Trans Pastor Practices Radically Inclusive Faith

When the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America began accepting openly trans pastors, Megan Rohrer was one of the first seven to become ordained. Because of the ‘religious abuse’ they experienced while growing up, Rohrer was driven to study religion as a way to “vocalize what I knew in my gut was OK,” they told Cosmopolitan. Today, this 37-year-old pastor uses faith…

Rashad Nimr, Man Who Stutters Proudly, Reminds Us We All Have a Voice

At first glance, Rashad Nimr doesn’t stick out in a crowd. He’s light-skinned, well-dressed and walks with an air of confidence. But when he starts to speak, you’ll notice a strong stutter. This doesn’t slow him down one bit. “In this day and age, everyone has a voice, even if they don’t know it,” Nimr, who has lived with a stutter…

Preteen Invents Device to Aid in Flint Water Crisis

Gitanjali Rao is an 11-year-old Colorado native who spends her free time perusing the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s website. Just, like, regular 11-year-old stuff. But why? Fair question. She’s finding inspiration for her inventions. Rao’s been closely following the Flint, Michigan, water crisis for the past two years, so when she was on the MIT website and…

Q&A: Destiny Eames on Body Positivity and Social Justice Art

Hey readers, This week, we had a convo with visual artist extraordinaire Destiny Eames on why she creates. Eames is a graphic design student at Carlow University and an artist for social justice. Her vibrant work focuses on body-positivity and advocating for the peripheralized. Her art has received awards and has been featured in several journals, including The Critical Point and…