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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Company Helps Poor Build Credit, Ladder Out of Poverty

Statistically, Jose Quinonez should have been doomed. As a 9-year-old he came to the US from Mexico, newly orphaned. Fast forward 3 decades and he’s got two prestigious degrees, a successful business and a MacArthur grant under his belt. A ton of work and some help from his community led Jose to UC Davis and then Princeton before he founded…

Mosque Leader Befriends Mosque Shooter

Former Marine, Ted Hakey Jr., is close friends with local mosque leader, Zahir Mannan. Hakey says his friendship with Mannan is so tight he tells him secrets he won’t even discuss with some of his other closest friends. But these two definitely weren’t always this close. In fact, before they’d met, and just a day after the Paris attacks, an intoxicated…

NY Employing Teens to Fill Dearth of Caregivers for Aging Baby Boomers

The ‘silver tsunami’ – millions of Baby Boomers who, thanks to science, are living longer – means the elderly population will have doubled by 2050. Caregivers are already scarce and many elderly folks report increased loneliness and isolation. So who is going to care for them? The Geriatric Career Development (GCD) Program in New York City tackles this issue along with…

Two Spirit: America’s Hidden Gender History

America’s traditional gender binary – male or female – is actually a relatively new idea on the continent. Before the first Christians settled here, Native Americans had been living without a binary system or gender rules for centuries. Many tribes acknowledged 5 different genders: Female, Male, Two Spirit Female, Two Spirit Male, and Transgendered. Two Spirits identified as both male…

9 Year-Old Mobilizes Entire Community to Help Homeless

Khloe Thompson is a 9-year-old who spends her after-school hours working to ensure the homeless in her community are more comfortable. Her passion took hold after she noticed the growing homeless epidemic near her home in Southern California. In Los Angeles County, homelessness has increased 23% in the past year – a population of almost 60,000. Khloe told her mother…

The History of Sports is a History of Politics, Let’s Act Like It

In the U.S., sports have become a tremendous part of our national identity and there’s no denying their ability to unite diverse groups of people. So what happens when the players start to speak out on the field? The country listens. A quick recap In 2016, SF 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem in silent protest…