Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Wonder Woman Shows Kids Power of Feminism

When Hollywood starts showing people like her as someone to strive for, we know a shift is taking place. Patty Jenkins, the director of the movie that has us swooning, is the superhero behind the superhero. “I wasn’t directing a woman, I was just directing a hero,” Jenkins told the New York Times. “I wanted to tell a story about…

New Budget Hits Americans With Least, Most

Food stamps, an assistance program enacted in the 60s, helps more than 40 million Americans afford groceries. For many, this is the factor that determines whether a kid gets to eat that day. Trump’s budget cuts the program by more than 25%. That’s about 10 million fellow Americans who will be going to bed hungry. In an article for Christianity Today,…

Resilience Literally Defines This Tech Org

Meet Resilient Coders (RC) tech advisor, Alec Ortega. Like many who work for RC, he has an unusual life story. “Do stuff” was the simple mantra that helped Ortega find a way back up when the bottom dropped out of life just after high school graduation. He had just come out to his parents and let’s just say they didn’t take…

Resilient Coders: Unveiling Talent in Unlikely Places

David Delmar, founder and executive producer of Resilient Coders knows that sustainable social justice can’t be achieved just by charity – economic empowerment is the ticket. Talent doesn’t always equal success. From the get-go, even the most ambitious people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and young adults of less economic advantage don’t have equal access to education, exposure, and opportunity. Resilient…

Democratizing Venture Capital

Bradley Miles graduated college in February. Unlike many New Yorkers that choose high-power jobs (and insane work-hours), he stayed put and wrote a book. It’s called #BreakintoVC, and it’s a really useful guide that decodes the big world of venture capital. Miles may be young, but he ain’t a newbie to the VC game. In college he started Columbia’s first…

Dancing Naked in Wet Paint is Good For You

Jump into Lola’s world for a moment. Dance in the wet paint. You’ll feel at ease – it’s colorful, brave, and body positive. Lola Ayisha Ogbara is a Chicago-raised, St Louis-livin’ artist who is shifting body talk to a positive one (not easy). She employs her talent—including illustration, paint, sculpture—to spark conversations on women’s bodies, especially surrounding gender, body size,…