Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

‘Post-Organic’ Farm Uses Tech to Create Farm of the Future

Amid an exploding world population, water shortages, and poisoned-sprayed veggies, farming is struggling to keep up without burning out. Enter Bowery Farming, a brand new farming business in New Jersey that’s using tech to help renew the world’s oldest industry—agriculture. Their secret? Indoor LED lights and nutrient-heavy water. If you’re spooked by food that isn’t grown by the sun you’re…

Making America Brave Again

At this year’s TED conference Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ explained that we’ve become so good at thinking about the self and unwilling to listen to people of differing views that we’re becoming isolated and afraid of the future. But he also offered a solution: put the ‘us’ back in relationships, identity, and responsibility. On relationship, he says, “We need to…

From the Mormon Ban to the Muslim Ban, Utah Governor Stands Up for Refugees

Last year, Utah’s Republican Governor Gary Herbert took to social media to reject Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric. Utah is, as many know, the central hub for the Church of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons). About 150 years ago, they were persecuted for their religious practices. Today, they speak clearly when they say NO to the Muslim ban, and YES to helping…

We’re Not All the Same

After a friend asked for advice on how to raise her kid, Chimamanda Adichie wrote a book called Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions. It was just released in March. She says it’s important to start kids off early before they have to ‘unlearn’, and talks about teaching them to embrace what they don’t quite understand. In an interview with NPR,…

Tiny Spark

Tiny Spark will light up your daily commute (sorry, had to) with stories on what’s actually going right in the world. This women-owned independent news program and podcast investigates ‘the business of doing good’. Founder, Managing Editor, and hardcore veteran journalist Amy Costello set out to give us the 411 on what non-profits, philanthropists, and aid organizations are doing and how…