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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Carwash Provides Jobs to Workers with Autism

John D’Eri runs a car wash. So what, right? Well, John’s employees all have something in common: autism. He was inspired by his son, Andrew, who was diagnosed with autism at age 2. At first, John was devastated by the news. But Andrew, who’s incredibly observant, never let the label stop him from doing what he wanted to do. “I…

Why ‘Moonlight’ is a More Important Movie Than You Think

There are SO MANY reasons to love Moonlight, but the cherry on the sundae is that Joi McMillion, the film’s editor, was the first black woman ever to be nominated for an editing Oscar. It’s alarming that she is a first, but it’s also exciting because Joi totally deserves the recognition. ⠀⠀ In an interview with Lenny Letter (which we…

Hold My Hand, Man

Search the hashtag #allemannenhandinhand and you’re guaranteed to smile. The backstory is tragic, but the response is beautiful. In Dutch the phrase means ‘all men, holding hands’. And that’s what you’ll find—a bunch of happy guys, hands clasped in solidarity with the worldwide LGBTQ community. It started early Sunday morning. Dutch couple Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes were walking home…

The Mother Theresa of Donuts

Betty Chinn’s been called a “philanthropic force of nature” and after we heard her story we can’t say we disagree. Every day, for 3 decades, she has risen before the sun to greet her homeless neighbors in Eureka with hot coffee and donuts. In the evening, she’s back again with dinner. Former President Obama presents…

KKK Members Quit After Meeting Black Man

It could be Daryl Davis’ mesmerizing deep and resonant voice, or that he’ll come over for dinner – no matter who you are – and listen to what you have to say. Whatever his gift, this African-American Blues musician is transforming lives in a remarkable way. After spending time with Daryl, KKK members are handing him their robes and quitting…

Pepsi’s Anti-Police Brutality Commercial Does More Harm Than Good

You’ve probably heard about the Pepsi commercial that showed Kendall Jenner ditching a modeling shoot to join the streets for a protest and offer a cop a Pepsi. Ugh. We could see Pepsi wanted to be that hip company that’s down with human rights, but they just really missed the mark. This ostensive ‘liberal’ ad is actually no-good. First up,…