Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Big Money in Texas Opposes Bathroom Bill

Texas money management leaders are stepping up to adamantly oppose the ‘bathroom bill’ – Senate Bill 6 – which would prevent trans or gender-queer folks from using the restroom of their chosen gender identity. “[We] are writing to you out of our strong belief that equality, diversity, and inclusiveness are fundamental elements of a successful workplace, community, and capital markets system,”…

Teens Design App to Battle Urban Blight

These four teenagers are kickin’ some serious booty. They’re from East Palo Alto where graffiti and litter is a big issue. Instead of trying to ignore it, they created an app to fix the problem. Margarita Tenisi, Rosie Valencia, Ashley Davis and Vanessa Tostado make up the “EPA Chica Squad”. Teamed up with a couple professional coders, they spent their…

Skateboarding Goes Sustainable

They’re a certified b-corp – just like New Belgium Brewing – which means they’re part of a growing pool of for-profit companies certified to meet strict standards of environmental and social performance, transparency, and accountability. Basically, it’s what every company should be. Their boards are made form non-toxic materials in Ithaca, NY, using regionally-sourced hardwood maple and water-based inks. They work directly…

How Fair Trade Empowers Farmers

Paul Rice spent more than a decade working with coffee farmers in Nicaragua. He saw that foreign aid was creating dependency and that what farmers really need are tools to solve their own problems. In 1998, Paul created Fair Trade USA – they audit and certify U.S. companies to make sure their global suppliers pay farmers fair wages, give them safe…

SF Women Against Rape

SF Women Against Rape has your back. While they’re widely known for their amazing work supporting victims of rape and mitigating the problem through education, this women-of-color-led, primarily volunteer-based organization offers up advice that everyone can find useful. After 2016’s seemingly endless string of big knocks, SFWAR sent out a newsletter focused on self-care. They curated some helpful tips to hack…

Children Taught Forgiveness Keep it for Life

Hank Pellissier writes about parenting, and his ideas about forgiveness in kids warmed our hearts. He talks about how teaching our tots forgiveness with their siblings will make them better people forever. These tips seem pretty applicable to us big kids too. Showing forgiveness doesn’t mean the behavior of the ‘wrongdoer’ is OK. It’s more about allowing a kid to go…