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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

‘Nextdoor’ Founder Uses Empathy to Reduce Racial Profiling

Nirav Tolia is a tech entrepreneur that uses his company to combat racism. Here’s what happened: When a grassroots group from Oakland, CA, called Neighbors for Racial Justice, approached Tolia about the prevalence of racial profiling in his neighborhood social network site called Nextdoor, he know changes needed to be made. From personal experience, Tolia understood what bias could do.…

Virtual Reality, Ultimate Empathy Machine

Machines that make us better at being human? Yes! Some smart folks at Stanford University are using virtual reality (VR) to give people a chance to feel what it’s like to, say, be homeless with a family. Once you’ve been there, it’s hard to not to care. Inside the VR headsets are entire worlds. When you have the headset on…

Head of Salesforce Invests Millions in Bay Area Education

Marc Benioff and his team at Salesforce just dropped $8.5 million and 20,000 hours of volunteer time into Bay Area schools. No big deal, right? Well, no. It’s a pretty big deal. It’s the 4th year in a row Marc’s foundation has donated some serious time and money ($22 million) to SF schools. And the idea is to continue the…

Photographer Teaches City Kids How to ‘Shoot for Peace’

Yasin Osman teaches city kids to shoot. Not like, shoot shoot. He teaches them to be photographers. He hopes that this will keep them away from crime, something he knows intimately. “I don’t know anybody who’s died from cancer,” Osman told The Star. “I only know people who have been killed by gun violence.” Osman – who is also a…

Likely First Somali-American Refugee to Take Public Office in US

Come Fall, she is likely to be the first Somali-American to take public office, serving in the House of Representatives for the State of Minnesota. When she was little, her family fled Somalia spent the next four years in a Kenyan refugee camp. When she came to the US she didn’t know any English, but she learned quickly. Once she…

Woman Starts Blog Documenting the Beauty and Difficulty of Having Schizophrenic Mother

Many of us never have the chance to grasp what it’s like to have Schizophrenia, or to know someone closely who struggles with the mental disorder. Emily Robinson’s mother, Cindy, has had schizophrenia for about 40 years. What some may see as a sad story about a debilitating mental illness, Emily is transforming into a story of tender connection on…