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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Young Sam Schimmel Embraces His Alaskan Identity, Even the Tough Parts

From the moment he could walk, Sam Oozevaseuk Schimmel was a child with an agenda. Spending summers with his Siberian Yupik family in Alaska, he quickly took to the outdoors. “He never was inside. He hunted and fished,” his dad, Jeremy Schimmel, told NPR. “He was catching fish when he was 2 — off the dock.” At age five, he…

The Other Side of the Border

In 2017, American professor and filmmaker Isabella Alexander was on her way back to the USA from Africa when the Algerian government stopped her – she was detained for almost two weeks. When she was finally released she returned home, only to immediately plan her trip back to Africa. The reason? She needed to finish a shoot for her documentary…

Seattle Kids Going to Preschool in Nursing Home

How do we make sure the oldest and youngest of us aren’t being lost in the shuffle of our busy lives? The Mount in Seattle, Washington, is taking a back-to-the-future approach to the modern problem. Loneliness and depression are leading issues for many elderly in the U.S. And the wisdom and experience of older folks aren’t being passed on to…

‘Resilience’ – The Science Behind Stress and How to Overcome It

Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope reminds us that even a scrap of hope can be the key leading us to something big. We all get stressed, obviously, but there’s a particularly vicious kind that stems from negative childhood experiences. This ‘toxic stress’ can affect some people forever. Based primarily on scientific research by epidemiologist Robert Anda and…

American Resilience: Flexing Under Adversity and Refusing to Break

Dear you, We’d love for you to get to know one of our favorite story categories on the site. It’s called American Resilience and it’s where we celebrate the American values that get us all loud and proud to live in the land of stars and stripes. Like Ellen (DeGeneres, because who else?) once said, “Honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating…

Damian Marley Grows Pot In Prison

After years of historic drought and declining oil prices, Coalinga – a small town of farmers and oil workers in central California – was left $3.3 million in debt and watching jobs disappear. But this year the town rebounded almost instantly – debt erased, 100 new jobs, and $1 million in new, annual tax income. Their secret: Damian Marley, youngest…