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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

‘Take This Hammer’ Explores Gentrification’s Attack on Artists

All over the nation, art galleries are disappearing, and they’re taking a part of America’s creative spirit with them as they go. Luckily, there are people and places like writer/curator Christian Frock and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA). They’re creating solutions to problems facing art and culture, like using art itself to talk about them. ‘Take This Hammer’, which…

New Belgium Brewing Now Employee-owned

Good things are brewing in Colorado. Lots of beer of course, but also sustainable business models where employees are rewarded for their commitment. Kim Jordan, the founder of New Belgium Brewing, shifted the company over to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), where the workers start accruing stock after a year of employment. Essentially, the $225 million business is mostly…

New Exhibition ‘Dignidad Rebelde’ at YBCA Highlights Native Experience

That’s a quote by German writer, Bertolt Brecht, and it fits just right with SF’s Yerba Buena Center for the Art’s recent exhibition. Jesus Barraza and Melanie Cervantes – Dignidad Rebelde, collectively – want to put that hammer into the hands of communities struggling under the weight of history. Their posters are beautiful and powerful. They’re framed in museums, coveted…

GM’s Head of Design Applied at Age 11

It’s 1961, 11-year-old Ed Welburn sits in his bedroom surrounded by car posters and scattered pieces of model kits. Instructions for the kits overflow a trashcan in the corner. Ed’s a creative kid from outside of Philly with a love for designing model cars. He’s writing a letter to a General Motors exec, it says, “I hope to work there…

Urban Confessional, Project That Gets People Listening to Each Other

There’s a new group offering an old school form of social connection — no screens required. These aren’t Luddites or anti-tech militias, they’re millennials. And they just want to listen. They’re called Urban Confessional: A Free Listening Project, and you’ll know them when you see them. They carry simple, handmade signs that promise “Free Listening”. “We listen for others ……

Former Inmate Turned Techie Thanks MEDA

‘State Prison Inmate’ doesn’t really jump off a resume and yell, ‘Hire Me!’. But we all gotta start somewhere and Jordan Wood started here. When he got out he was 24 and trying to figure out how to turn his life around. With a little help and a lot of hustle, he ended up at one of the biggest tech…