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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The Silk Road Built by Solar

Scott and Julie Brusaw have known each other since they were three and four. Now married and business partners, their relationship is still going strong. “I come up with dreams, ideas, concepts, and designs,” Julie told Nationswell. “Scott makes them tangible and real.” Where have their business ventures led them, you ask? To something that could (potentially) save the world. After…

Replacing Detention with Meditation

In 2016, a Baltimore-based elementary school did a radical thing: they replaced detention with meditation and yoga. Not only this, but they now start each school day with 15 minutes of mindfulness activities. Partnered up with local nonprofit – Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. – Robert W. Coleman Elementary created the Mindful Moment Room, complete with pillows and soft lighting. If…

Amanda Gorman for President

When she’s not fulfilling her duties as a sophomore student at Harvard University, 19-year-old Amanda Gorman moonlights as a poet, and a really good one too. In fact, she was the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate.…

How Bureo is Saving the Planet One Skateboard at a Time.

Ben Kneppers grew up in Cape Cod swimming in the ocean every day, learning at a young age the profound specialness of the sea. About 5 years ago, he was sent to Chile for work and stumbled upon an opportunity to start an environmentally-focused startup and it just felt right. “For as much doom and gloom as we cast on…

Multi-Religious Wedding Shows Love Has No Borders

The day Seema attended Shannon’s boot camp class, Shannon was smitten. She told a fellow instructor, “I’m going to marry her.” Turns out that wasn’t a lie. Six years later they finally held a small wedding ceremony. “Seema is Hindu and I am Christian […] For the wedding we chose to have a Pandit (a Hindu priest) to honor the traditions…

NYC Book Project Seeks to Disrupt Our Digital Lives

The idea came to Shaheryar Malik when he was taking a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and felt the urge to take a selfie. Then he stopped himself – this was the photo everyone took. Who would it actually be for? Would this really bring him joy? He didn’t take the photo and decided to do something else instead. He brought eight…