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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

AOL Founder Brings Tech Money to States America Left Behind

As tech experts and investors begin to see the entrepreneurial potential in flyover states, the tech boom may no longer be a hermetic wealth bonanza isolated in coastal metropolises. In states where many residents feel they’ve been left behind by the decline of industrial jobs, the alternatives are starting to look promising. Skeptical? Here’s the scoop. Steve Case—the founder of…

Young Folks Use Outrage As Fuel to Run for Office

Millennials are set to take state and local office positions in record numbers in the coming election cycles. This is a generation that continually proves they’re not messing around. Many are saying the influx of young and new political candidates will spur a ‘wave election’ in 2018, meaning city and local politics will suddenly be inundated with people from more diverse…

L.A.’s Harmony Project is Helping At-Risk Teens Get a Fair Shot at the Future

LA-based Harmony Project was born from a belief that playing music can be a key to a successful life. The project is a practice and performance program for at-risk teens and was founded in 2001 by Margaret Martin. Martin, herself, survived domestic violence and a year of homelessness before pursuing and then earning her doctorate. It’s Martin’s goal to make sure everyone has the…

Rebirth Garments, Setting Trends with Gender Non-Conforming Threads

Fashion Designer Sky Cubacub has been fantasizing about gender-inclusive fashion since they were 13. Now, at age 24, they have a clothing line built around that very goal. Rebirth Garments offers clothing and accessories for people of every body type and gender. “I’m a queer, trans person with disabilities,” Cubacub (who uses they/them pronouns) told Newsy. After considering whether to…

Diversability, An Organization for Disabled and Non-Disabled Folk Alike

Tiffany Yu’s side-hustle just may become her fulltime gig. What started as a college group is now an organization with chapters in several cities across the country and pretty much everywhere in the digital-sphere. Diversability empowers those with disabilities by connecting communities, starting conversations about disability, and putting on curated events. Yu—who lives with a disability herself—is a successful, self-proclaimed techie…

Startup Teaching Underprivileged Youth How to Run Music Business

Phi Pham makes the words DJ and business look good together. Here’s why: Pham is half the brains behind Building Beats, a really epic new startup that helps youth learn and grow through music. Details? The program helps youth develop a practical toolkit: from creating smart biz models to tech skills in software and mixing music. “It’s great to just…

California Ushers in the ‘Gender Recognition Act’

California Governor Jerry Brown just signed into law the acknowledgment of a third gender: non-binary. Now, those who don’t fall within the bounds of male or female can check the non-binary box for their driver’s licenses and birth certificates. “Non-binary is an umbrella term for people with gender identities that fall somewhere outside of the traditional conceptions of strictly either female or…

First Lutheran Trans Pastor Practices Radically Inclusive Faith

When the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America began accepting openly trans pastors, Megan Rohrer was one of the first seven to become ordained. Because of the ‘religious abuse’ they experienced while growing up, Rohrer was driven to study religion as a way to “vocalize what I knew in my gut was OK,” they told Cosmopolitan. Today, this 37-year-old pastor uses faith…

Rashad Nimr, Man Who Stutters Proudly, Reminds Us We All Have a Voice

At first glance, Rashad Nimr doesn’t stick out in a crowd. He’s light-skinned, well-dressed and walks with an air of confidence. But when he starts to speak, you’ll notice a strong stutter. This doesn’t slow him down one bit. “In this day and age, everyone has a voice, even if they don’t know it,” Nimr, who has lived with a stutter…