Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Texas Needs Our Help

Our thoughts are with Texas this week. If you’re wondering how you can help those affected by the devastating destruction of Hurricane Harvey, here are a few recommendations for navigating relief organizations. • Go local. Charity Navigator recommends sending your money directly to organizations in Houston, including the Houston Food Bank or the Greater Houston Community Fund. • Pick organizations with good…

Four Ways to Help a Refugee

We know, the refugee crisis can seem so far removed and too huge an issue to even chew on. But get this – you can help. For starters, we have a few ideas for you: • Volunteer with an International Rescue Committee office near you. It’s shown that with community support, refugee resettlement can be wildly successful. Volunteers can help with…

#WeWearWhatWeWant is a Battle Cry in the Fight for Your Right to Feel Sexy

Simone Mariposa is starting an army. They wear armor made of shiny lipgloss, thick thighs, and a self-assured disposition. Call Simone fat and she’ll smile sweetly and respond with something like “That’s right” and “I slay.” Because words can only mean what you let them, and Simone allows no one but herself to define who she is. And she is something brilliant,…

Former Joint Chief-of-Staff Mike Mullen Says NO to Trans Military Ban

Recently, Mullen urged Congress to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to ban trans folks from serving. Mullen’s been in the corner of the LGBTQ community for a long while, heading the repeal of the ignominious ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy’ and a speaking out against a recent bill that would have cut funding of gender-related medical expenses for trans folks…

Ironically, Vitriol Directed at Arizona Senate Hopeful Boost Her Campaign

Deedra Abboud, long-time lawyer and first-time political candidate, is a Muslim-American running for a 2018 Arizona Senate seat. A recent campaign video published on her Facebook page received a slew of offensive comments. Ironically, the attacks drew more media attention to her campaign than ever before and people from both sides of the aisle are now in her corner. Her…

Sylvan Esso, Fluidity in Motion

Every so often we like to take a second and remind ourselves that all things change, and it is often good and always enlightening. Sylvan Esso, our favorite band at the moment, make change a constant. The 2 that make up the duo were both prolific folk musicians before they met. Then, “We went out for grilled cheese sandwiches and…

Leading the Resistance on Magnetic Fields Tour

Pinky Weitzman knows how to lead the resistance without burning out. Her trick is to make time for art. She’s deputy digital director at the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization that defends people’s rights and liberties, and that Fast Company has recently deemed as “Leading the Resistance.” She’s been there for 3 years, with a leave of absence to…

Shawshank Redemption Actor Reduces Recidivism Through Drama Program

We know you know this guy. You probably suffered a bad case of jaw-drop from Tim Robbins’ lead role in Shawshank Redemption. Well, maybe you didn’t know that he’s an activist and an awesome one at that. His current passion is working to reduce recidivism and prison violence. No doubt this is a tall and daunting task. How, might you…

Student Draws 400 Portraits of Classmates at High School Known for Crime

When news of growing racial tensions went public Boston Latin High School’s image took a hit. Senior Phillip Sossou didn’t think reporters told the full story of the school he’s grown to love, so he drew his own. He scraped together photos of all of his classmates and then he drew them. Like, he spent four months secretly sketching 411 charcoal…

The Heart Radio

The Heart Radio plays with the deepness of humanity and intimacy. Love shapes our lives in many ways and this podcast is out to explore that. They talk about ‘where masculinity and femininity meet’ and what remains when a partner leaves for good. We love it because it makes you blush (in the best way), and normalizes ideas of intimacy…