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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

This Teen Helps Formerly Incarcerated Youth Reenter Society

Jane Lyons was a high school freshman when she started a non-profit with her brother to help formerly incarcerated youth. Youth Overcoming Obstacles (YOO) is dishing out second chances. Now 18, this Delaware based woman recalls that the idea of prison stopped being an abstract concept when her neighbor was sent to the local juvenile detention center, Ferris School for Boys. “[Teens at Ferris] feel as if society is stacked against them,” Lyons said in a recent TEDxYouth show. “They simply think that our world is waiting for them to make a mistake.” Lyons realizes that everyone’s needs are unique,…

Newcomer Academy Helps All Kids Succeed

In Dalton, Georgia, a local public school recently launched a program to help unaccompanied minors find their footing. Newcomer Academy works to not only acclimate immigrant children, but to ensure they succeed and thrive in their new home. Most kids need help not only learning a new language, but understanding a new culture and environment. “We are a public school system and we do not check immigration status. If a child comes to our door we want to serve them,” Woodason – one of the teachers – told WSBTV. “We believe in what we’re doing. We’re excited.” Some students…

Maysoon Zayid Reveals New TV Show ‘Can Can’

Maysoon Zayid is a woman of many talents. This comedian, disability activist, and actress just revealed the development of a new show called ‘Can-Can’, soon to air on ABC. Cue the applause. Zayid, both the lead and co-producer of the show, wrote the script based on her own life as an American-Palestinian Muslim woman with Cerebral Palsy. Other executive producers include Sean Hayes of “Will & Grace”, Joanna Quraishi, and Hazy Mills. View this post on Instagram #Palestine #represent A post shared by Maysoon Zayid (@maysoonzayid) on Aug 1, 2018 at 4:52am PDT Less than 2…

Homeboy Industries Fights Recidivism Through Radical Kinship

Integrating back into society with a criminal record is no easy feat. Homeboy Industries is an LA-based gang intervention program that looks beyond the felony and acknowledges that everyone should be given the chance to learn, work, grow and have…

Mormon Choir and SF Gay Men’s Chorus Join Stage Together

Ten years ago the Mormon Church took a stand supporting California’s Prop 8, the initiative that effectively made same-sex marriage illegal. And then earlier this Summer, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir happily joined the stage with the San Francisco Gay Men’s…

Drive Change Steers Us Toward Social Justice

There’s a nonprofit in New York City that’s offering a leg-up for formerly incarcerated folks. Drive Change connects them with jobs managing food trucks from Snowday – a farm-fresh joint offering grilled cheese sandwiches, produce and more. “A felony conviction…

Eating Ugly Produce Could Help Save the Broken Food System

Christine Moseley, who worked in the food industry for many years, is spearheading a one-woman start-up called Full Harvest that’s committed to tackling our country’s immense agriculture waste problem. Farmers dump a scary amount of farmed produce – about 20…

Biden Launches “As You Are” LGBTQ Family Acceptance Initiative

Former vice president Joe Biden just started a campaign in his foundation to promote family acceptance of LGBTQ youth. Biden has been an open supporter of all things #LGBTQ, including supporting the transgender right to serve in the military. With…

How to Fight Hate Without Burning Out

At the anniversary of the Charlottesville protests and some of us are wondering what we’ve learned. Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer – the woman killed at last year’s protests – has since become an outspoken activist and offers us advice: keep fighting. She started the Heather Heyer Foundation, an organization that helps young adults who are passionate about…