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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Eyes Wide Open: Waking to the American Dream

We all know a new president is about to take the reigns. If it feels a bit like doomsday we get it, but plenty of badass Americans are keeping their head in the game to give us information and hold our leaders accountable. One of them is filmmaker Theo Rigby—certified ally of the people. Rigby and his team are spearheading a series…

Ana Erased The Mexican Border

SF-based painter and performance artist, Ana Teresa Fernández, donned her superhero costume – black cocktail dress and stilettos – and painted part of the US-Mexico border to look like the sky. “In Mexico we say, ‘It’s better to say you are sorry than to ask for permission,'” she told InTheMake. While she was painting the border, helicopters flew overhead and…

The Blaxicans of Los Angeles

Walter Thompson always felt like an enigma. Growing up with a Mexican mom and an African-American dad in South LA, he sometimes just didn’t know which culture he belonged to. He pursued this lingering question mark in college and, most recently, through the creation of a popular Instagram account called Blaxicans Of LA – based on extensive research on multi-racial identity.…

Remembering Major Taylor – Pro Biker Who Won First Race at Age 13

When an NYC pro racing team signed him in 1898 at age 19, bicycle racing was huge – consistently selling out Madison Square Garden. Major Taylor – a name he got in his early days performing bicycle tricks in full military garb – won his first race at 13. His then boss Louis “Birdie” Munger, a former pro cyclist and…

Movie Gives Viewers Experience of Being Blind

Here’s a movie to watch with tea and an open heart. Notes on Blindness takes us through John Hull’s experience going blind. It taps into the deep sorrows that come with losing sight, while also revealing how present Hull becomes in his other senses. The movie is based off Hull’s memoir that Oliver Sacks described as, “the most extraordinary, precise,…

Outsider Art Like You’ve Never Seen

We’re all better off knowing about Arts Unbound. This non-profit helps ‘outsider’ artists (i.e. the elderly or those with developmental disabilities) have successful careers. Using a shareholder model, the artists often get paid before their work is even finished, cutting back on financial risk and really ensuring that they thrive. We think this is important because it reminds us that…

Defining Multiculturalism Through Art

Xian Mei Qiu is an LA-based artist who reveals her multicultural upbringing through her work. Her newest project, Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom, is a distillation of just this, speaking to the symbols of the past and how we can use them to look toward the future. “It deals with the issue of identity as something that we create, and…

The Power of Intersectional Storytelling

Diana Gameros is pretty stellar. She uses her music to talk about the intersections between cultures, languages, and genres. Her own multicultural experience takes hold in her dreamy Latin-influenced tunes on love, family, and identity. “Singing my stories has become a natural way to connect with myself and with others.” If you’re ready for more, KQED’s interview with Diana has…

Brooklyn Rezound, a New Approach to Language

Go to a rehearsal with Daria Faïn and Robert Kocik and you’ll find them talking in tongues you may never have known existed, like Yaqui or Ewe. This Brooklyn-based performance group – The Commons Choir – uses language, movement, and music to show us that a topic can be explored and understood in many, many ways. They’ll talk about, say,…

Woman With Disability Shows Us How We’re Similar

Lolo Jones may be the next coolest thing on the Internet, thanks to her web series focused on life with a disability. She’s an open book with a thing or two to say, and the way she tells you comes with the perfect amount of spunk and sass. On her Youtube channel, she covers all things from boy talk (because…