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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Stephanie Snyder, Yogi Who Teaches Empathy

For some, yoga is about getting a firm booty and grabbing a latte after class with friends. It’s sporty, hip, and even sometimes cultish. We totally get the draw, but when you take a sec to dig into the philosophy behind this ancient practice there’s actually a lot to it. To help us do the digging, New Sincerity is partnering…

Why Success is Contagious

Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow have a simple message for all women: embrace the shine theory. As in, don’t cast shade on your fellow girlfriends, because supporting others’ success will, in turn, breed your own. When we see witty and successful women, let’s set aside feelings of resentment and instead feel empowered. Befriend these visionaries. Use their fiery energy to…

Olympic Volleyball Player Refuses to Remove Hijab

When Doaa El Ghobashy dug her feet into the sand at Rio’s Summer Games fans and media perked up. She wasn’t surprised. But the expected wardrobe chatter quickly took a backseat because, well, Doaa can play. It’s been a relief to read stories about her tenacity, her drive and her powerful effect on a new generation of athletes. Athletes that…

Giant Steps, Music Program For Social Change

Giant Steps believes music can inspire social change. Operating out of Impact Hub San Francisco, they’re bringing together musicians and their fans to connect online and do good in the world. It’s a really creative concept and a big freakin’ deal, because the passion of artists and their community is the stuff movements are made of. This nonprofit is building…

First Trans Woman To Take Senate Seat?

Misty K Snow isn’t your average cashier. In June, she won the Utah Democratic nomination for a seat in the Senate. Not the usual story, we know. But there’s a reason why: she’s sharp as a whip (no college degree needed) and has really good ideas for Utah’s future. She talks about raising the minimum wage, promoting clean energy, increasing…

24 Year-Old Elected as Mayor of Brighton, AL

Brandon Dean is the Mayor-elect of Brighton, Alabama, and he’s more than ready to pull up his sleeves and get to work. A fifth-generation Brightonian, Dean has a personal commitment to the well-being of its people. After two internships on Capitol Hill and founding Our Blue Hope – a national political action committee that aims to fight Republican super majority…

Painter’s Project Illustrates Similarity Between East and West Cultures

What do a NYC fashionista and a Pakistani millennial have in common? Ali Hassoun is ready to show ya. He’s a juxtaposition wizard whose paintings cut to the root of what makes us, well, us. Take the fashionista and the young Pakistani out of context, paint them side by side and BAM! You’re left with two women who look a…

Combating Sexualized Latina Stereotypes

For example, Latinas are often imagined as hypersexualized beings, or as not having the capabilities to inhabit roles like ‘teacher’ or ‘mentor’. Sexuality and intellect are almost never considered in conjunction. To this she essentially says, “Hold up––we can be sharp as tacks and wear red dresses too.” Latinas can be quirky intellectuals and make grandma’s killer tamales. Acosta should…

‘Nextdoor’ Founder Uses Empathy to Reduce Racial Profiling

Nirav Tolia is a tech entrepreneur that uses his company to combat racism. Here’s what happened: When a grassroots group from Oakland, CA, called Neighbors for Racial Justice, approached Tolia about the prevalence of racial profiling in his neighborhood social network site called Nextdoor, he know changes needed to be made. From personal experience, Tolia understood what bias could do.…

Virtual Reality, Ultimate Empathy Machine

Machines that make us better at being human? Yes! Some smart folks at Stanford University are using virtual reality (VR) to give people a chance to feel what it’s like to, say, be homeless with a family. Once you’ve been there, it’s hard to not to care. Inside the VR headsets are entire worlds. When you have the headset on…