In 2016, a Baltimore-based elementary school did a radical thing: they replaced detention with meditation and yoga. Not only this, but they now start each school day with 15 minutes of mindfulness activities.
Partnered up with local nonprofit – Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. – Robert W. Coleman Elementary created the Mindful Moment Room, complete with pillows and soft lighting. If a child misbehaves, they’re sent here.
“You wouldn’t think that little kids would meditate in silence. And they do,” Kirk Philips, a Holistic Life co-ordinator, told Upworthy.
New studies show meditation and yoga improve our memory and focus, and help us handle strong emotions. Basically, it makes us into better human beings.
“We’re teaching kids at a young age to try to really make a change in our community as far as how conflicts are resolved,” said Atman Smith, Co-Founder of the Holistic Life Foundation, told CBS News.
Additionally, the mindfulness program includes other holistic practices – like volunteer park cleanup and building local gardens.
The results so far? Zero suspensions. And parents are reporting back that their kids are eager to show them the breathing exercises they’ve learned.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, check out the highlights of Robert Reich’s interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air about ‘Why Buddhism is True’.

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