Palestinian Muslim Comedian Breaking Rules

Maysoon Zayid is smashing stereotypes with love and laughter. She’s a Palestinian Muslim from Jersey living with Cerebral Palsy and she loves breaking rules.

Like, you know, the one that says standup comedians don’t sit down. Or, that women can’t be funny. Because Zayid does both.

She also works with disabled children and tells jokes in the Middle East. And she starts things like the New York Arab American Comedy Fest – right after 9/11. Oh, and after recently receiving a smattering of anti-Muslim death threats, she didn’t stay at home. You’re supposed to stay at home, right?



So what do you think she did during the Republican National Convention? The one where the guy with the hair said terrible things about women and Muslims, both. She gave them a free performance, of course.

And you know what – they loved her.

Zayid is basically the best ever. She’s fearlessly challenging stereotypes with love rather than hate, which takes some real guts. Here’s to you, Zayid, one of many important rule breakers and change-makers out there. We got nothing but love for you.

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