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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to See Two Piano Journey at SF War Memorial & Performing Arts Center Jan. 20th

Mark your calendars, SF folks! On January 20th, 2018, a special benefit show by Two Piano Journey will be held at the SF War Memorial & Performing Arts Center. All proceeds will go towards Wu Yee Children’s Services. Wu Yee Children’s Services was founded in 1977 by San Francisco-based social workers, parents, and teachers who wanted to ensure that everyone had…

The Eat Café, Philadelphia’s First Pay-What-You-Can Restaurant

In West Philadelphia, the EAT (Everyone At the Table ) Café cooks up nourishing meals and serves them to everyone that comes in, regardless of the thickness of their wallet. Of the approximately 60 community cafes in the US, EAT Cafe is one of a few that offers a full-service meal. EAT works in collaboration with Drexel University, Vetri Community Partnership, and the West…

Homecoming Project Invites Former Inmates Back Into Society

Transition back into civilian life from prison can be difficult. Before they even find a job they need a reliable place to live, and that can be hard with a criminal record. Especially in the Bay Area, where San Quentin State Prison is located, rent prices are sky high. The Homecoming Project –– an initiative from Impact Justice that’s all about…

This Queer Gym in the South is Redefining Fitness

Society isn’t very friendly towards LGBTQ folks and gyms are known to be especially hostile. Flambeaux Crossfit aims to change that, and Louisiana is pumped. Literally. Founded by a trans man, Dillon King, Flambeaux embraces inclusivity by shirking the gendered boundaries gyms usually have. Instead, equipment and restrooms are gender neutral, and every fitness level is welcomed.View… 

Hallease Narvaez and Youtube Tackle Social Change

When we’re raising a generation that spends almost more time on their devices than it does sleeping, it’s important to meet them where their attention is – online. Youtube is leveraging its power of information by giving young folks a…

Musician Offers New Way to Cope with Trauma

Recent headlines are unearthing immense collective trauma. Some folks are finally telling their stories of sexual assault after years of keeping the experiences to themselves. It only makes sense that trauma stored within our bodies can have physical effects. Amber Field – an SF-based musician and sound healer – pays careful attention to these somatic effects in her work with sound and movement. Field says the term “DARVO” – coined by Jennifer Freyd – is a helpful approach to thinking about Kavanaugh and our country’s culture of sexual assault. View this post on Instagram Free your voice…

Homeboy Industries Fights Recidivism Through Radical Kinship

Integrating back into society with a criminal record is no easy feat. Homeboy Industries is an LA-based gang intervention program that looks beyond the felony and acknowledges that everyone should be given the chance to learn, work, grow and have…

Drive Change Steers Us Toward Social Justice

There’s a nonprofit in New York City that’s offering a leg-up for formerly incarcerated folks. Drive Change connects them with jobs managing food trucks from Snowday – a farm-fresh joint offering grilled cheese sandwiches, produce and more. “A felony conviction…

How to Fight Hate Without Burning Out

At the anniversary of the Charlottesville protests and some of us are wondering what we’ve learned. Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer – the woman killed at last year’s protests – has since become an outspoken activist and offers us advice: keep fighting. She started the Heather Heyer Foundation, an organization that helps young adults who are passionate about…

‘Resilience’ – The Science Behind Stress and How to Overcome It

Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope reminds us that even a scrap of hope can be the key leading us to something big. We all get stressed, obviously, but there’s a particularly vicious kind that stems from negative childhood experiences. This ‘toxic stress’ can affect some people forever. Based primarily on scientific research by epidemiologist Robert Anda and…