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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

American Resilience: Flexing Under Adversity and Refusing to Break

Dear you, We’d love for you to get to know one of our favorite story categories on the site. It’s called American Resilience and it’s where we celebrate the American values that get us all loud and proud to live in the land of stars and stripes. Like Ellen (DeGeneres, because who else?) once said, “Honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating…

There’s a Revolution Happening in the Toy World

Toy companies are finally starting to offer more inclusive doll options. People of color and those with disabilities have been historically underrepresented in the toy aisles, so this is a big win for kids. Studies show that poor representation in a child’s toy selection can lead to a negative psychological impact. Giving kids dolls with varied ethnicities and abilities will…

The Eat Café, Philadelphia’s First Pay-What-You-Can Restaurant

In West Philadelphia, the EAT (Everyone At the Table ) Café cooks up nourishing meals and serves them to everyone that comes in, regardless of the thickness of their wallet. Of the approximately 60 community cafes in the US, EAT Cafe is one of a few that offers a full-service meal. EAT works in collaboration with Drexel University, Vetri Community Partnership, and the West…

Newcomer Academy

While the students in Newcomer Academy may come from different countries and speak entirely different languages, they are all there to learn English. “everybody has

Man From The ‘Greatest Generation’ Rejects Racism

In all of his colorful 101 years, not much scared Bob Fletcher from doing what he felt was right. He also didn’t mind hard work or little sleep. He refused to be shamed for having friendships with Japanese-Americans in the ‘40s. That was especially gutsy since after Pearl Harbor racism towards Asians was no joke – upwards of 120,000 Japanese…

Former Police Chief Challenges U.S. Government to Take on Homegrown Terrorists

Brandon Paudert was a police officer in Arkansas, and in 2010 he and his partner, Bill Evans, were gunned down by anti-government extremists during a routine road stop. The murder was committed by members of the ‘sovereign citizens’ movement, Americans who believe they are ‘exempt from the law’. The scary part is that these people are unpredictable – some just…

Bay Area Non-Profit Teaches Design as Pathway Out of Poverty

The Inneract Project became a sparkle in Maurice Woods’ eye when he was given an assignment in his graduate class at the University of Seattle to use design to ‘change the world’. A vision came immediately to Woods – free design programs for underserved kids. That vision became The Inneract Project, a San Francisco non-profit getting kids from marginalized communities excited about…

Joan Mulholland, Civil Rights Activist from ’60s

Joan Mulholland was at the Woolworth counter for the famous sit-in and in the mix at Civil Rights marches all over the south. She was just a teen in the late 1950s and early 1960s, but she was fiercely dedicated to the idea of a human family. “The worst they could do was kill us,” said Mulholland. And dang did…

New Mexico Creates Wilderness Program to Help Refugee Children

They’re part of the Refugee Wilderness Explorers Program, born from a team effort between New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and the Catholic Charities Refugee Mentoring Program. “The summer camps and afterschool programs we offer, while very helpful for the children, are meant to supplement the help that the children will get from their mentors, once they are matched,” Danielle Hernandez, the…

Crooked Media, Antidote to Mainstream Media Weirdness

Born from flames of the 2016 election, Crooked Media rose from the ashes like a magnificent phoenix and jettisoned straight into podcast fame. Built by former Obama staffers, veteran journalists, and grassroots activists, this primarily pod-based media company offers up levity, accessibility, and unlikely conversations. “We couldn’t find a place to talk about politics the way actual human beings talk.…