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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

KKK Members Quit After Meeting Black Man

It could be Daryl Davis’ mesmerizing deep and resonant voice, or that he’ll come over for dinner – no matter who you are – and listen to what you have to say. Whatever his gift, this African-American Blues musician is transforming lives in a remarkable way. After spending time with Daryl, KKK members are handing him their robes and quitting…

Pepsi’s Anti-Police Brutality Commercial Does More Harm Than Good

You’ve probably heard about the Pepsi commercial that showed Kendall Jenner ditching a modeling shoot to join the streets for a protest and offer a cop a Pepsi. Ugh. We could see Pepsi wanted to be that hip company that’s down with human rights, but they just really missed the mark. This ostensive ‘liberal’ ad is actually no-good. First up,…

Apple, Lyft, Amazon Support Trans Teen in Supreme Court

Gavin Grimm is out for justice. The 17-year-old just wanted to be treated like any other student at Gloucester High School, Virginia. “You know, like use the bathroom without being questioned or singled out by his teachers and admin. But if there’s one thing we could all have used more of at 17 it’s mind-melting insecurities. Right?” Well, after coming…

Illegal Immigrant Now Goldman Sachs Exec

Until quite recently Julissa was undocumented – a person some are calling an “illegal.” This meant she spent most of her 20s building a career while having to stay under the legal radar. Finding her place in the land of stars and stripes wasn’t easy, especially since her family had returned to Mexico. Julissa had to personally call the Senator…

LGBTQ+ Veterans March on St Patty’s Day

When the organizers of Boston’s St Patty’s Day parade banned OUTVETS – a group of LGBTQ veterans – from marching, Boston’s Mayor Marty Walsh RSVP’d saying that there’s no way he’s going. Then politicians from both parties chimed in to reject this discrimination, including Republican Governor Charlie Baker, Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton, and former Chief Marshal Dan Magoon. Thanks to…

College Track Dismantling ‘Not Cut Out for College’ Myth

The more people told Richardo (Ricky) Bambury he wasn’t cut out for college, the better his essays got. Ricky knew he would thrive in college, but he wasn’t getting the support from his high school to make it a reality. The discouragement was starting to feel pretty heavy. The positivity came when Ricky got involved with College Track his Freshman year.…

Big Money in Texas Opposes Bathroom Bill

Texas money management leaders are stepping up to adamantly oppose the ‘bathroom bill’ – Senate Bill 6 – which would prevent trans or gender-queer folks from using the restroom of their chosen gender identity. “[We] are writing to you out of our strong belief that equality, diversity, and inclusiveness are fundamental elements of a successful workplace, community, and capital markets system,”…

SF Women Against Rape

SF Women Against Rape has your back. While they’re widely known for their amazing work supporting victims of rape and mitigating the problem through education, this women-of-color-led, primarily volunteer-based organization offers up advice that everyone can find useful. After 2016’s seemingly endless string of big knocks, SFWAR sent out a newsletter focused on self-care. They curated some helpful tips to hack…

Not Your Mama’s Stitch-N-Bitch

Do you know about the Pussyhat Project? Stay a minute and we’ll tell you. Your ears will probably want their own pink hat after they hear about it. January 21st is slated to be the Women’s March in Washington DC. The mission? To stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us. January is…

Obama on Strengthening America

As we savor our last moments with Prez Obama, watching him expand some minds in Silicon Valley was one for the books. Don’t get us wrong, Obama loves innovators and big thinkers – Silicon Valley will likely be his new home after he leaves the Oval Office. But those who claim the government is irrevocably wrecked and that the answer…