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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Maysoon Zayid Reveals New TV Show ‘Can Can’

Maysoon Zayid is a woman of many talents. This comedian, disability activist, and actress just revealed the development of a new show called ‘Can-Can’, soon to air on ABC. Cue the applause. Zayid, both the lead and co-producer of the show, wrote the script based on her own life as an American-Palestinian Muslim woman with Cerebral Palsy. Other executive producers include Sean Hayes of “Will & Grace”, Joanna Quraishi, and Hazy Mills. View this post on Instagram #Palestine #represent A post shared by Maysoon Zayid (@maysoonzayid) on Aug 1, 2018 at 4:52am PDT Less than 2…

Eating Ugly Produce Could Help Save the Broken Food System

Christine Moseley, who worked in the food industry for many years, is spearheading a one-woman start-up called Full Harvest that’s committed to tackling our country’s immense agriculture waste problem. Farmers dump a scary amount of farmed produce – about 20…

Biden Launches “As You Are” LGBTQ Family Acceptance Initiative

Former vice president Joe Biden just started a campaign in his foundation to promote family acceptance of LGBTQ youth. Biden has been an open supporter of all things #LGBTQ, including supporting the transgender right to serve in the military. With…

An Open-Source Guide to Allyship

Social justice movements get sticky sometimes. It makes sense – we’re humans. We come from different backgrounds and it isn’t surprising for our knee-jerk reaction to be defensive when these beliefs feel challenged or vulnerable. We get that, but we…

These Two Turn Deadly Weapons into Shovels for Planting Trees

In a time of deep pain and trauma caused by gun violence, Brontë Velez and Kyle Lemle are offering a way for American communities to heal. These two started Lead to Life: A People’s Alchemy for Regeneration, an Atlanta- and Oakland-based non-profit doing something very simple: they melt old guns and cast them into shovels. Shovels that are then used to plant…

Damian Marley Grows Pot In Prison

After years of historic drought and declining oil prices, Coalinga – a small town of farmers and oil workers in central California – was left $3.3 million in debt and watching jobs disappear. But this year the town rebounded almost instantly – debt erased, 100 new jobs, and $1 million in new, annual tax income. Their secret: Damian Marley, youngest…

NYC Church Practices What They Preach: Radical Acceptance

Reverend Frazier is a queer woman who grew up ashamed of her orientation. It took many years for her, and her family, to accept and celebrate who she was. Finally, in 2016, she came out—and in the pulpit of her church, no less. Attendance at Frazier’s church, the First Corinthian Baptist Church (FCBC) in Harlem, has shot up exponentially in the…

Star-C, Education Program Paired with Affordable Housing

East of Atlanta, Georgia, lives Willow Branch Apartment Homes. This affordable housing community was built in the early 70s and has been dubbed one of the most diverse areas in the country. It also was an area high in crime – but not anymore. Willow Branch hosts Star-C – an after-school academic program for the kids that live there. Founded by Marjy…

Making Social & Emotional Learning Part of School

It’s a group dedicated to helping empower youth through social and emotional learning (SEL) and sexuality education programs. That’s got to be a little relieving for LGBTQ students in at least 6 Bay Area schools. Latest reports say only half of LGBTQ students felt that school was a safe place and that none of them –– as in zero ––…

The Silk Road Built by Solar

Scott and Julie Brusaw have known each other since they were three and four. Now married and business partners, their relationship is still going strong. “I come up with dreams, ideas, concepts, and designs,” Julie told Nationswell. “Scott makes them tangible and real.” Where have their business ventures led them, you ask? To something that could (potentially) save the world. After…