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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ana Erased The Mexican Border

SF-based painter and performance artist, Ana Teresa Fernández, donned her superhero costume – black cocktail dress and stilettos – and painted part of the US-Mexico border to look like the sky. “In Mexico we say, ‘It’s better to say you are sorry than to ask for permission,'” she told InTheMake. While she was painting the border, helicopters flew overhead and…

Remembering Major Taylor – Pro Biker Who Won First Race at Age 13

When an NYC pro racing team signed him in 1898 at age 19, bicycle racing was huge – consistently selling out Madison Square Garden. Major Taylor – a name he got in his early days performing bicycle tricks in full military garb – won his first race at 13. His then boss Louis “Birdie” Munger, a former pro cyclist and…

Woman With Disability Shows Us How We’re Similar

Lolo Jones may be the next coolest thing on the Internet, thanks to her web series focused on life with a disability. She’s an open book with a thing or two to say, and the way she tells you comes with the perfect amount of spunk and sass. On her Youtube channel, she covers all things from boy talk (because…

CEO of Good Vibrations Now Senior Advisor to Mayor of SF

Theresa Sparks has worn a lot of hats in her life, many of which she fashioned herself. She’s a real do-er, and a do-gooder to boot. After coming out as trans in the late 80s, she made trans rights a life priority. She knew, firsthand, the trauma and difficulty of living an existence that much of society either condemned or…

Tunisian Freedom Singer Collaborates With SF-Based Music Program

“My Word Is Free” is the name of a song by Emel Mathlouthi, which she sang at a street protest in Tunisia. Under Tunisia’s dictator Ben Ali, radio quickly banned the song, but not before it became an anthem for the Tunisian revolution during the Arab Spring. One of the many faces of resistance, Mathlouthi refused to play the ‘nice…

Actor Anna Deavere Smith’s One-Woman Performance Tells Stories of Unheard Americans

Anna Deavere Smith is incredible. There’s really no other way of putting it. She’s an actor (West Wing, Madame Secretary), a professor and a playwright. Her newest endeavor, “The Pipeline Project” centers around her play “Notes from the Field” – written with inspiration from hundreds of interviews from people of all walks of life. Her plays are one-woman, documentary style…

Meet a Cop Supporting Black Lives Matter

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement, and she says cops should support Black Lives Matter. In the wake of the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, she wrote in a VICE article,“I tried to focus on potential solutions, rather than the divisive language and anger—understandable though much of it is.” We know this gets heavy…

Stephanie Snyder, Yogi Who Teaches Empathy

For some, yoga is about getting a firm booty and grabbing a latte after class with friends. It’s sporty, hip, and even sometimes cultish. We totally get the draw, but when you take a sec to dig into the philosophy behind this ancient practice there’s actually a lot to it. To help us do the digging, New Sincerity is partnering…

Why Success is Contagious

Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow have a simple message for all women: embrace the shine theory. As in, don’t cast shade on your fellow girlfriends, because supporting others’ success will, in turn, breed your own. When we see witty and successful women, let’s set aside feelings of resentment and instead feel empowered. Befriend these visionaries. Use their fiery energy to…

Olympic Volleyball Player Refuses to Remove Hijab

When Doaa El Ghobashy dug her feet into the sand at Rio’s Summer Games fans and media perked up. She wasn’t surprised. But the expected wardrobe chatter quickly took a backseat because, well, Doaa can play. It’s been a relief to read stories about her tenacity, her drive and her powerful effect on a new generation of athletes. Athletes that…