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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Nine-Year-Old Building Shelters for the Homeless

Fort wrestled with the idea of homelessness at age 5. Ever since she noticed a homeless person in Kitsapp County, Washington, Hailey Fort has dedicated her childhood to helping people who don’t have homes. She couldn’t understand why some people didn’t have a place to stay and she wanted to do something about it. “I think everyone should have a…

Rain Dove Says There’s Magic Between the Binary

Rain Dove wants to be boring. They grew up in rural Vermont where they had a wild stint pretending to be a male firefighter. Rain took up modeling after losing a bet to a friend. That bet, turns out, landed them on front pages around the world for being a model actively redefining gender in a field notoriously in love…

Palestinian Muslim Comedian Breaking Rules

Maysoon Zayid is smashing stereotypes with love and laughter. She’s a Palestinian Muslim from Jersey living with Cerebral Palsy and she loves breaking rules. Like, you know, the one that says standup comedians don’t sit down. Or, that women can’t be funny. Because Zayid does both. She also works with disabled children and tells jokes in the Middle East. And…

Nuns Block Pipeline Construction

In Pennsylvania’s rural Lancaster County, a group of nuns has staunchly refused to let an energy company build a natural gas pipeline through a cornfield – a place the whole community cherishes. Now the company is appealing to ’eminent domain’ as a way to work around their protest and build it anyway. The nuns replied “not so fast” and, on…

#WeWearWhatWeWant is a Battle Cry in the Fight for Your Right to Feel Sexy

Simone Mariposa is starting an army. They wear armor made of shiny lipgloss, thick thighs, and a self-assured disposition. Call Simone fat and she’ll smile sweetly and respond with something like “That’s right” and “I slay.” Because words can only mean what you let them, and Simone allows no one but herself to define who she is. And she is something brilliant,…

Former Joint Chief-of-Staff Mike Mullen Says NO to Trans Military Ban

Recently, Mullen urged Congress to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to ban trans folks from serving. Mullen’s been in the corner of the LGBTQ community for a long while, heading the repeal of the ignominious ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy’ and a speaking out against a recent bill that would have cut funding of gender-related medical expenses for trans folks…

Ironically, Vitriol Directed at Arizona Senate Hopeful Boost Her Campaign

Deedra Abboud, long-time lawyer and first-time political candidate, is a Muslim-American running for a 2018 Arizona Senate seat. A recent campaign video published on her Facebook page received a slew of offensive comments. Ironically, the attacks drew more media attention to her campaign than ever before and people from both sides of the aisle are now in her corner. Her…

Leading the Resistance on Magnetic Fields Tour

Pinky Weitzman knows how to lead the resistance without burning out. Her trick is to make time for art. She’s deputy digital director at the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization that defends people’s rights and liberties, and that Fast Company has recently deemed as “Leading the Resistance.” She’s been there for 3 years, with a leave of absence to…

Kansas City Mayor Schools Missouri Governor

He said funding the arts shouldn’t be a priority. But then something happened. Kansas City Mayor Sly James responded with his own public letter, saying that art is very much a priority. “The arts are vital to our city’s collective personality and history and we must support this industry if we wish to remain a world-class city that welcomes and…

LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination Law Succeeds in Federal Courts

This had discrimination written all over it so she took the issue to court and in April celebrated a victory. Under the umbrella of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, federal courts have ruled that LGBTQ employees cannot be discriminated against in the workplace due to their sexual orientation or gender. This came as a somewhat surprising triumph – of the…