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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What Día de los Muertos Means and How to Celebrate

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a two-day celebration of life and death that takes place in early November. The indigenous Mexican holiday demonstrates respect to those who are deceased and celebrates those who are living. It can be raucous but also deeply beautiful and moving. A brief history of the celebration The holiday originates from the…

This Teen Helps Formerly Incarcerated Youth Reenter Society

Jane Lyons was a high school freshman when she started a non-profit with her brother to help formerly incarcerated youth. Youth Overcoming Obstacles (YOO) is dishing out second chances. Now 18, this Delaware based woman recalls that the idea of prison stopped being an abstract concept when her neighbor was sent to the local juvenile detention center, Ferris School for Boys. “[Teens at Ferris] feel as if society is stacked against them,” Lyons said in a recent TEDxYouth show. “They simply think that our world is waiting for them to make a mistake.” Lyons realizes that everyone’s needs are unique,…

Eating Ugly Produce Could Help Save the Broken Food System

Christine Moseley, who worked in the food industry for many years, is spearheading a one-woman start-up called Full Harvest that’s committed to tackling our country’s immense agriculture waste problem. Farmers dump a scary amount of farmed produce – about 20…

Biden Launches “As You Are” LGBTQ Family Acceptance Initiative

Former vice president Joe Biden just started a campaign in his foundation to promote family acceptance of LGBTQ youth. Biden has been an open supporter of all things #LGBTQ, including supporting the transgender right to serve in the military. With…

An Open-Source Guide to Allyship

Social justice movements get sticky sometimes. It makes sense – we’re humans. We come from different backgrounds and it isn’t surprising for our knee-jerk reaction to be defensive when these beliefs feel challenged or vulnerable. We get that, but we…

These Two Turn Deadly Weapons into Shovels for Planting Trees

In a time of deep pain and trauma caused by gun violence, Brontë Velez and Kyle Lemle are offering a way for American communities to heal. These two started Lead to Life: A People’s Alchemy for Regeneration, an Atlanta- and Oakland-based non-profit doing something very simple: they melt old guns and cast them into shovels. Shovels that are then used to plant…

Young Sam Schimmel Embraces His Alaskan Identity, Even the Tough Parts

From the moment he could walk, Sam Oozevaseuk Schimmel was a child with an agenda. Spending summers with his Siberian Yupik family in Alaska, he quickly took to the outdoors. “He never was inside. He hunted and fished,” his dad, Jeremy Schimmel, told NPR. “He was catching fish when he was 2 — off the dock.” At age five, he…

Seattle Kids Going to Preschool in Nursing Home

How do we make sure the oldest and youngest of us aren’t being lost in the shuffle of our busy lives? The Mount in Seattle, Washington, is taking a back-to-the-future approach to the modern problem. Loneliness and depression are leading issues for many elderly in the U.S. And the wisdom and experience of older folks aren’t being passed on to…

Contact Theory, A Solution to Damaging Stereotypes

How do we get over the learned fears and biases we against entire groups of people? It’s a big question that Heather McGhee – President of the public policy organization Demos – has a simple, beautiful answer to: Get to know them. It’s called Contact Theory – but don’t let the fancy name turn you off. It’s as simple as…

There’s a Revolution Happening in the Toy World

Toy companies are finally starting to offer more inclusive doll options. People of color and those with disabilities have been historically underrepresented in the toy aisles, so this is a big win for kids. Studies show that poor representation in a child’s toy selection can lead to a negative psychological impact. Giving kids dolls with varied ethnicities and abilities will…