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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Likely First Somali-American Refugee to Take Public Office in US

Come Fall, she is likely to be the first Somali-American to take public office, serving in the House of Representatives for the State of Minnesota. When she was little, her family fled Somalia spent the next four years in a Kenyan refugee camp. When she came to the US she didn’t know any English, but she learned quickly. Once she…

Polish Immigrant Documented Truth of American Dream in Early NYC

Jacob Riis was a Danish immigrant who was horrified to discover that opportunity in the USA was pretty much a myth. Everything he’d heard about America back in Europe seemed to be false. Coming to New York in 1870 with $40 and the clothes on his back, Jacob lived with thousands of Polish, Italian, Irish and other immigrants living in…

After Ali’s Death, Kentucky Minister Honors Muslim Boxer’s Legacy

If it’s a Friday night you may see Derek Penwell drinking a PBR with friends. But if it’s Sunday you’ll definitely find him delivering a sermon at Douglass Boulevard Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Penwell is a minister – some might say unconventional, we just think he makes a lot of sense. Let’s take his thoughts on Muhammad Ali for…

New York Mayor Takes Compassionate Approach to Tackling City’s Drug Issues

Svante Myrick was the youngest mayor to be elected in Ithaca, NY, taking office at the age of 24 in 2011. He pulled Ithaca out of a $3.5 million deficit after just 2 years in office. But maybe his most innovative accomplishment is in public health: Svante and Ithaca have set up the country’s 1st supervised heroin injection site. Svante’s…

Professor Goes on Compassion Escapade After Homophobic Twitter Remark

Professor Ashon Crawley chose a compassionate path on Twitter when dealing with the homophobic nonsense that Kim Burrell said. Ellen at Race Ahead shared the conversation and breaks it down: “…Ashon did a remarkable job unpacking the complexity of being a gay person of color trying to exist within a Christian community that condemns you with impunity. ‘It’s easy to…

Muslim-American Calling for Support for Black Lives Matter

Linda Sarsour won’t sit still, or be quiet. Unlike some common Muslim female stereotypes, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind and make sh*t happen. Yes, she’s from Brooklyn. “My faith informs my role and commitment to standing up against injustice,” she said in July. This mama of three has her finger on the pulse of the nation. Her secret…

Vid of Harvard Graduate’s Speech on Equality Goes Viral

Donovan Livingston delivered a speech at his Harvard graduation and it went viral. It wasn’t a normal speech – it was a poem. The audience hushed as they listened intently. He spoke of racism in the education system, and how vital it is to offer each person an equal opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their skin color. What…

Finding Humor in the Arab-Israeli Experience in US

Ali Al Sayed grew up feeling lost and out of place in Israel – stuck between lands and languages, trapped. He learned that to be heard, humor was essential. Sayed’s an Arab-Israeli writer that lives and teaches in Chicago. He wrote Israel’s first prime time T.V. show to feature an Arab family. His biggest success though is his beautiful, evolving…

Former Inmate Turned Techie Thanks MEDA

‘State Prison Inmate’ doesn’t really jump off a resume and yell, ‘Hire Me!’. But we all gotta start somewhere and Jordan Wood started here. When he got out he was 24 and trying to figure out how to turn his life around. With a little help and a lot of hustle, he ended up at one of the biggest tech…

First All-Refugee Team Enters Olympics

Every 4 years countries around the world send their best athletes to represent them in the Olympic games. But what happens when a world-class athlete has no country? Introducing the Olympics’ first all-refugee team. At year’s Summer Olympics in Brazil, a team of 10 refugees will be carrying the Olympic flag in the opening ceremony. It’s the first refugee squad…