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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Kendrick Lamar’s Pulitzer Shows Us Positive Change in American Institutions

Last week, Kendrick Lamar won a Pulitzer Prize for his fourth LP, “DAMN.” This is the first time a Pulitzer hasn’t gone to a classical or jazz artist, and the country is freaking out (in a good way.) The Pulitzer board called the album “a virtuosic song collection unified by its vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism that offers affecting vignettes…

NYC Church Practices What They Preach: Radical Acceptance

Reverend Frazier is a queer woman who grew up ashamed of her orientation. It took many years for her, and her family, to accept and celebrate who she was. Finally, in 2016, she came out—and in the pulpit of her church, no less. Attendance at Frazier’s church, the First Corinthian Baptist Church (FCBC) in Harlem, has shot up exponentially in the…

Man From The ‘Greatest Generation’ Rejects Racism

In all of his colorful 101 years, not much scared Bob Fletcher from doing what he felt was right. He also didn’t mind hard work or little sleep. He refused to be shamed for having friendships with Japanese-Americans in the ‘40s. That was especially gutsy since after Pearl Harbor racism towards Asians was no joke – upwards of 120,000 Japanese…

Former Police Chief Challenges U.S. Government to Take on Homegrown Terrorists

Brandon Paudert was a police officer in Arkansas, and in 2010 he and his partner, Bill Evans, were gunned down by anti-government extremists during a routine road stop. The murder was committed by members of the ‘sovereign citizens’ movement, Americans who believe they are ‘exempt from the law’. The scary part is that these people are unpredictable – some just…

The Silk Road Built by Solar

Scott and Julie Brusaw have known each other since they were three and four. Now married and business partners, their relationship is still going strong. “I come up with dreams, ideas, concepts, and designs,” Julie told Nationswell. “Scott makes them tangible and real.” Where have their business ventures led them, you ask? To something that could (potentially) save the world. After…

Multi-Religious Wedding Shows Love Has No Borders

The day Seema attended Shannon’s boot camp class, Shannon was smitten. She told a fellow instructor, “I’m going to marry her.” Turns out that wasn’t a lie. Six years later they finally held a small wedding ceremony. “Seema is Hindu and I am Christian […] For the wedding we chose to have a Pandit (a Hindu priest) to honor the traditions…

NYC Book Project Seeks to Disrupt Our Digital Lives

The idea came to Shaheryar Malik when he was taking a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and felt the urge to take a selfie. Then he stopped himself – this was the photo everyone took. Who would it actually be for? Would this really bring him joy? He didn’t take the photo and decided to do something else instead. He brought eight…

In 1968, Olympic Winner Stood For Equality With Fellow Black Athletes

In 1968, Peter Norman did something unheard of at the Olympics: He stood with his black peers against racism. Being the 60s, this was a big deal. Peter had won the Silver medal in the 200 meters, a close race with two African-Americans, John and Tommie. As they walked up to the podium to accept their medals, Peter made a…

Concrete Jungle Uses Tech to Feed the Hungry

Eating healthy ain’t always easy, especially when you get your groceries at the food bank. Atlanta residents Craig Durkin and Aubrey Daniels wanted to help change that when they started Concrete Jungle in 2009, a volunteer-run urban foraging program that distributes fresh fruits and vegetables to local food banks. What started as an adventure across the city to find free…

New Mexico Creates Wilderness Program to Help Refugee Children

They’re part of the Refugee Wilderness Explorers Program, born from a team effort between New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and the Catholic Charities Refugee Mentoring Program. “The summer camps and afterschool programs we offer, while very helpful for the children, are meant to supplement the help that the children will get from their mentors, once they are matched,” Danielle Hernandez, the…