Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Tipping Point, Non-Profit Aims to Pioneer the End of Poverty

Tipping Point Community is an SF-based nonprofit that doesn’t mess around when it comes to helping folks in need. They raise funds (mostly from private donors) to help local organizations that are working to eradicate homelessness and poverty. They help the public sector improve their programs and also invest in startups that are coming up with new and fresh ways to…

Access to Legal Representation is Key to Democracy

The U.S. is actually one of the lowest ranked democracies when it comes to fairness in the justice system. Ouch. But take a look, some smarties in San Francisco are changing things. Open Door Legal operates on this idea of universal access to legal representation. They know that those with money and power usually get to call the shots, and…

Couple Creates ‘Ask a Muslim’ Booth to Battle Fear

Mona Haydar and Sebastian Robins set up a little booth near Cambridge library with signs that said “Ask a Muslim”, boxes full of donuts, and thermoses of hot coffee. They were really nervous at first. ⠀⠀ It was 2015, shortly after the horrible shooting in San Bernadino. The two parents hid in their homes for days, afraid to leave the…

Designer Dresses as Older Woman to Understand Elderly Experience

Patricia Moore made life easier for the elderly. It all started when she wondered what exactly it felt like to be old and decided to try it out. At the age of 26 she dressed like an old lady, fogged up her glasses, wrapped her limbs in splints to simulate arthritis, and wore mismatched shoes so she would have to…

Eayikes, Non-Profit Empowering Youth

Eayikes [say E-Yikes] is a non-profit built by 3 friends – Alex, Kyle, and Ray – that’s creating safe, creative spaces to help young folks make positive changes in their lives and their worlds. They aim to teach kids how to really listen and cultivating wonder. “You’ll hear other people’s stories and experiences, things that haven’t happened to you and…

Two Girls Invent Best, Inclusive Superhero Costume Ever

Casey Pearlman and Yasmin Idris are two teens from Laguna Niguel, California who decided they needed to invent their own superhero for Halloween. Superman or Wonder Woman just wouldn’t do. They called themselves ‘Juslims’ and one of their superpowers is to ‘watch each other’s back’. They donned striped leggings and capes with the letters JM painted on in glitter glue.…

Concerts for the Deaf

You know that feeling when you’re at a concert and you don’t care how sweaty you are because the song they’re playing is so good you can feel it in your bones? Amber Galloway Gallego aims to bring that catharsis to the deaf and hard of hearing. She interprets music for the deaf, but it’s not your standard ASL. She…

Mosque Leader Befriends Mosque Shooter

Former Marine, Ted Hakey Jr., is close friends with local mosque leader, Zahir Mannan. Hakey says his friendship with Mannan is so tight he tells him secrets he won’t even discuss with some of his other closest friends. But these two definitely weren’t always this close. In fact, before they’d met, and just a day after the Paris attacks, an intoxicated…

NY Employing Teens to Fill Dearth of Caregivers for Aging Baby Boomers

The ‘silver tsunami’ – millions of Baby Boomers who, thanks to science, are living longer – means the elderly population will have doubled by 2050. Caregivers are already scarce and many elderly folks report increased loneliness and isolation. So who is going to care for them? The Geriatric Career Development (GCD) Program in New York City tackles this issue along with…

Two Spirit: America’s Hidden Gender History

America’s traditional gender binary – male or female – is actually a relatively new idea on the continent. Before the first Christians settled here, Native Americans had been living without a binary system or gender rules for centuries. Many tribes acknowledged 5 different genders: Female, Male, Two Spirit Female, Two Spirit Male, and Transgendered. Two Spirits identified as both male…