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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The History of Sports is a History of Politics, Let’s Act Like It

In the U.S., sports have become a tremendous part of our national identity and there’s no denying their ability to unite diverse groups of people. So what happens when the players start to speak out on the field? The country listens. A quick recap In 2016, SF 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem in silent protest…

New Food Delivery Company by Refugees Brings Food of Their Homeland to Your Door

After immigrating to the US a few years ago, Lebanese sisters Manal and Wissam Kahi decided to start a business in NY after their search for a decent hummus ended in defeat. Now, Eat Offbeat has been offering delicious dishes from all over the world since 2016 and employing refugees from places like Nepal, Tibet, Iraq, Syria, and Eritrea. In…

Muslims and Christians Worship Together in the American South

When the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC) moved in across the street, Steve Stone — lead pastor of Heartsong Methodist Church — had a choice: Embrace his new Muslim neighbors or hold them at arm’s length. A quick look to the Gospels reinforced his instinct — he strung up a banner and warmly welcomed them to the neighborhood. The MIC hadn’t…

Kung Fu Nuns, Nepalese Biker Gang Cycling for Social Justice

These 500 women call themselves Kung Fu nuns, because they’re strong as heck and there’s no telling them what they can’t do. These Buddhists cycled more than 2,400 miles from Nepal to Northern India. To put it in perspective – that’s like biking the California coast three times! “People think that because we are nuns, we are supposed to stay…

Leaders Push Congress to Pass Bipartisan DREAM Act

New Sincerity’s Michael Rolph is one of the hundreds of CEOs — including Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard and Marc Benioff of Salesforce — who’ve signed an open letter to Congress, urging that they pass the DREAM Act – a piece of legislation that would give DACA recipients a pathway to permanent residency. Money talks, so seeing those with clout stand up for our DREAMers…

Nuns Block Pipeline Construction

In Pennsylvania’s rural Lancaster County, a group of nuns has staunchly refused to let an energy company build a natural gas pipeline through a cornfield – a place the whole community cherishes. Now the company is appealing to ’eminent domain’ as a way to work around their protest and build it anyway. The nuns replied “not so fast” and, on…

Cop Takes Money from Street Vendor, Internet Cries Foul

This past Saturday, a hot dog vendor was serving folks at a UC Berkeley game when things got strange. A UC police officer passing students and alumni drinking alcohol on campus (which is technically illegal) approached the vendor, Juan, and wrote him a ticket for selling food without a license. What happened next is what many people from both the…

DACA’s End Spells Trouble For American Innovation

As we wait to see how Congress will deal with the possible end of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and restrictions on immigration become more stringent than they’ve ever been, we are beginning to wonder how different our country’s future may be. The National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) – a non-partisan, non-profit focused on policy research – published a…

On 9/11, Canada Welcomed Delta Flight 15 With Open Arms

It was 9/11, 2001 and Delta Flight 15 was on its way home to the US from Germany when it got the call to land immediately. The closest airport was Gander, somewhere in Canada. They landed along with 37 other planes who’d received the same alert and started playing the waiting game. The travelers were just stuck in the terminal,…

Former Joint Chief-of-Staff Mike Mullen Says NO to Trans Military Ban

Recently, Mullen urged Congress to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to ban trans folks from serving. Mullen’s been in the corner of the LGBTQ community for a long while, heading the repeal of the ignominious ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy’ and a speaking out against a recent bill that would have cut funding of gender-related medical expenses for trans folks…