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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Urban Warriors Tackles Gang Violence with Friendships

Chicago is known for its high rates of gang violence. Nationally, about 35 percent of gang members are still teenagers. The Urban Warriors program is an initiative created in partnership with the Chicago YMCA’s Youth Safety and Violence Prevention (YSVP) initiative, dedicated to bringing those statistics down. The premise? Bring veterans and at-risk teenagers together to talk through stuff together. It’s…

Newcomer Academy Helps All Kids Succeed

In Dalton, Georgia, a local public school recently launched a program to help unaccompanied minors find their footing. Newcomer Academy works to not only acclimate immigrant children, but to ensure they succeed and thrive in their new home. Most kids need help not only learning a new language, but understanding a new culture and environment. “We are a public school system and we do not check immigration status. If a child comes to our door we want to serve them,” Woodason – one of the teachers – told WSBTV. “We believe in what we’re doing. We’re excited.” Some students…

Former National Teacher of the Year Runs for Congress

Jahana Hayes is one of hundreds of teachers who’ve witnessed firsthand how policymakers are hurting the education system and she refuses to stay silent. A recipient of the 2016 National Teacher of the Year Award, Hayes is now running to…

Seattle Kids Going to Preschool in Nursing Home

How do we make sure the oldest and youngest of us aren’t being lost in the shuffle of our busy lives? The Mount in Seattle, Washington, is taking a back-to-the-future approach to the modern problem. Loneliness and depression are leading issues for many elderly in the U.S. And the wisdom and experience of older folks aren’t being passed on to…

Contact Theory, A Solution to Damaging Stereotypes

How do we get over the learned fears and biases we against entire groups of people? It’s a big question that Heather McGhee – President of the public policy organization Demos – has a simple, beautiful answer to: Get to know them. It’s called Contact Theory – but don’t let the fancy name turn you off. It’s as simple as…

Kamau Bell’s New TV Series Tackles Uncomfortable Conversations

United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell – an Emmy award-winning show on CNN – has just debuted its third season and we think everyone should watch it. In this docu-series, Kamau Bell deftly wields his razor sharp humor to bring up issues that divide us – like, say, race, immigration, religion, and history. “I think that Americans are…

NYC Church Practices What They Preach: Radical Acceptance

Reverend Frazier is a queer woman who grew up ashamed of her orientation. It took many years for her, and her family, to accept and celebrate who she was. Finally, in 2016, she came out—and in the pulpit of her church, no less. Attendance at Frazier’s church, the First Corinthian Baptist Church (FCBC) in Harlem, has shot up exponentially in the…

Multi-Religious Wedding Shows Love Has No Borders

The day Seema attended Shannon’s boot camp class, Shannon was smitten. She told a fellow instructor, “I’m going to marry her.” Turns out that wasn’t a lie. Six years later they finally held a small wedding ceremony. “Seema is Hindu and I am Christian […] For the wedding we chose to have a Pandit (a Hindu priest) to honor the traditions…

Bay Area Non-Profit Teaches Design as Pathway Out of Poverty

The Inneract Project became a sparkle in Maurice Woods’ eye when he was given an assignment in his graduate class at the University of Seattle to use design to ‘change the world’. A vision came immediately to Woods – free design programs for underserved kids. That vision became The Inneract Project, a San Francisco non-profit getting kids from marginalized communities excited about…

Concrete Jungle Uses Tech to Feed the Hungry

Eating healthy ain’t always easy, especially when you get your groceries at the food bank. Atlanta residents Craig Durkin and Aubrey Daniels wanted to help change that when they started Concrete Jungle in 2009, a volunteer-run urban foraging program that distributes fresh fruits and vegetables to local food banks. What started as an adventure across the city to find free…