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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Crooked Media, Antidote to Mainstream Media Weirdness

Born from flames of the 2016 election, Crooked Media rose from the ashes like a magnificent phoenix and jettisoned straight into podcast fame. Built by former Obama staffers, veteran journalists, and grassroots activists, this primarily pod-based media company offers up levity, accessibility, and unlikely conversations. “We couldn’t find a place to talk about politics the way actual human beings talk.…

Claudette Colvin, Original Woman Who Refused to Give Up Her Seat

Most history books forget that Claudette Colvin is an African-American who refused to give up her seat on the bus, nine months before Rosa Parks. It was March 2nd, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, when Colvin paid her fare and refused to get up from the seat for a white woman. She’d been studying Black history in high school that month…

Q&A with Inupiaq Photographer Brian Adams

Dear dogged readers, This week we are thrilled to highlight Alaska-based photographer Brian Adams. Most recently, he culled widespread recognition for his project I Am Inuit – a photography and short story project (now a book) eschewing stereotypes of the individuals who call the Alaskan Arctic home. Being half-Inupiaq himself, Adams gives us an intimate view of what life really is…

Meet the Young, Female CEO of Canva—A Design Program for Non-Designers

Melanie Perkins is a college dropout who is now possibly the youngest CEO of a billion-dollar startup. Perkins, now 30, first came up with the idea for Canva in college when she was writing up long instruction manuals on how to use Adobe and knew there had to be a better way for folks to design, especially in a visually-focused…

Narrative 4 Uses ‘Story Exchange’ to Change the World

Meet Narrative 4 , an education-focused organization that promotes a curriculum centered on a ‘culture of care’. This means, in essence, helping kids cultivate deep empathy for others. Studies agree that putting yourself in another person’s shoes can, in turn, make you a better person. “By bringing people together through storytelling, we will build a new narrative for immigration, for the environment, for…

The Conscious Kid Help Raise New Generation of Woke Kids

As we move into a new year full of fresh optimism about how our country can make positive progress, The Conscious Kid (TCK) is helping ensure kids understand the importance of diversity. With partnerships, TCK’s education programs aim to reduce bias and effectively promote positive identity development in youth. The group also supports research and policy organization. Children are like…

John Legend’s Unlocked Futures Takes Aim at America’s Recidivism Problem

John Legend – the silky-voiced pop star who turns all the heads – is a social justice ninja working hard to reduce recidivism. First, through his non-profit FREEAMERICA, and now with an accelerator program called Unlocked Futures, Legend tackles prison reform with the deep belief that some simple changes can make a monumentally positive impact. Studies show that the lack…

First Lutheran Trans Pastor Practices Radically Inclusive Faith

When the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America began accepting openly trans pastors, Megan Rohrer was one of the first seven to become ordained. Because of the ‘religious abuse’ they experienced while growing up, Rohrer was driven to study religion as a way to “vocalize what I knew in my gut was OK,” they told Cosmopolitan. Today, this 37-year-old pastor uses faith…