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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Mosque Leader Befriends Mosque Shooter

Former Marine, Ted Hakey Jr., is close friends with local mosque leader, Zahir Mannan. Hakey says his friendship with Mannan is so tight he tells him secrets he won’t even discuss with some of his other closest friends. But these two definitely weren’t always this close. In fact, before they’d met, and just a day after the Paris attacks, an intoxicated…

NY Employing Teens to Fill Dearth of Caregivers for Aging Baby Boomers

The ‘silver tsunami’ – millions of Baby Boomers who, thanks to science, are living longer – means the elderly population will have doubled by 2050. Caregivers are already scarce and many elderly folks report increased loneliness and isolation. So who is going to care for them? The Geriatric Career Development (GCD) Program in New York City tackles this issue along with…

9 Year-Old Mobilizes Entire Community to Help Homeless

Khloe Thompson is a 9-year-old who spends her after-school hours working to ensure the homeless in her community are more comfortable. Her passion took hold after she noticed the growing homeless epidemic near her home in Southern California. In Los Angeles County, homelessness has increased 23% in the past year – a population of almost 60,000. Khloe told her mother…

New Food Delivery Company by Refugees Brings Food of Their Homeland to Your Door

After immigrating to the US a few years ago, Lebanese sisters Manal and Wissam Kahi decided to start a business in NY after their search for a decent hummus ended in defeat. Now, Eat Offbeat has been offering delicious dishes from all over the world since 2016 and employing refugees from places like Nepal, Tibet, Iraq, Syria, and Eritrea. In…

Muslims and Christians Worship Together in the American South

When the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC) moved in across the street, Steve Stone — lead pastor of Heartsong Methodist Church — had a choice: Embrace his new Muslim neighbors or hold them at arm’s length. A quick look to the Gospels reinforced his instinct — he strung up a banner and warmly welcomed them to the neighborhood. The MIC hadn’t…

Leaders Push Congress to Pass Bipartisan DREAM Act

New Sincerity’s Michael Rolph is one of the hundreds of CEOs — including Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard and Marc Benioff of Salesforce — who’ve signed an open letter to Congress, urging that they pass the DREAM Act – a piece of legislation that would give DACA recipients a pathway to permanent residency. Money talks, so seeing those with clout stand up for our DREAMers…

A Manifesto for the American Worker

Mierle Laderman Ukeles dreams of a culture where no one is forgotten and no one is left out. She turned this dream into her life’s work honoring American workers. Ukeles was an OG rule-breaker in the 60’s. She even got kicked out of Pratt for her controversial art. After Pratt she wrote Manifesto for Maintenance Art 1969 which has one…

Women in America More Likely to be Talked Over Than Men, 22-yr-old Student Fights Back

Philly college student Samera Paz is only 22. But that’s more than enough life experience to realize that women in America still have to struggle to be heard. Instead of waiting for society to get their act together she got her hands dirty and created spaces where young women can come together and—wait for it—speak without being cut off, talked…

Airbnb for Seniors

The Freebird Club is not, as you might expect, a collection of those loud guys from every concert ever discussing ways to get bands to actually play Freebird. It’s an Airbnb-like startup promoting travel and social connection among a demographic often overlooked by the tech crowd – seniors. The club’s members are all age 50+ and host or stay with…

On 9/11, Canada Welcomed Delta Flight 15 With Open Arms

It was 9/11, 2001 and Delta Flight 15 was on its way home to the US from Germany when it got the call to land immediately. The closest airport was Gander, somewhere in Canada. They landed along with 37 other planes who’d received the same alert and started playing the waiting game. The travelers were just stuck in the terminal,…