Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Shawshank Redemption Actor Reduces Recidivism Through Drama Program

We know you know this guy. You probably suffered a bad case of jaw-drop from Tim Robbins’ lead role in Shawshank Redemption. Well, maybe you didn’t know that he’s an activist and an awesome one at that. His current passion is working to reduce recidivism and prison violence. No doubt this is a tall and daunting task. How, might you…

Napa Valley Winery Embraces Mexican Tradition

Amelia Moran Ceja is the president of an award-winning winery in Napa Valley. Not only is she the first Mexican-American woman ever to carry that title, but her life story that led up to it is pretty special. Ceja is from Jalisco, Mexico, and moved to California with her pops as a kid to pick grapes. What the family lacked…

Life After Hate: Neo-Nazi Turned Human Rights Leader

After a decade as leader of America’s deadliest neo-nazi gang Chicago Area Skinheads (CASH), Christian Picciolini found peace. Today, he’s 20 years into running Life After Hate (LAH) – a non-profit dedicated to shining a light on basic human goodness. Isolated and lonely, Christian fell in with CASH early in life. They gave him the attention he craved and the family…

Service on Skid Row

New Sincerity contributing writer Nicole Nordstrom is a student at UCLA. She recently went down to Gladys Park in L.A.’s Skidrow to check out NS partners Eayikes and Skidrow Coffee in action. ⠀⠀ As soon as I entered Gladys Park, I was greeted with a warm hug by Alex Yoon. Alex is one of the founders of Eayikes, an organization…

Gary Understands How You Feel

Gary Noesner spent more than three decades as a hostage crisis negotiator. Yeah, like real crazy Law & Order type stuff. But it’s what Gary’s good at. After a siege went awry in Texas, Noesner took it upon himself to improve the whole program. At the core of this approach was a tool he thinks we all can benefit from…

Woman Stands Up to Far-Right Violence With Silent Smile

Because standing up for others is a universal, here’s a little shot of courage that’s made its way across the pond. ⠀⠀ In the UK, when some far-right protesters surrounded a woman in a hijab, Saffiyah Khan stepped in and smiled. She felt that being earnest and willing to listen was the best way to make the protesters question their…

Small Town Conservative Community Stands Up for Detained Mexican Restaurant Manager

Fox News told the story of Juan Carlos, a father of three, and the effort of the West Frankfort, Illinois, a community he’s served for over a decade. If you ask residents of the coal-mining town whether they support Trump’s controversial crackdown on undocumented immigrants, they’d all cheer. But the conservative community members did all they could to help the…

From the Mormon Ban to the Muslim Ban, Utah Governor Stands Up for Refugees

Last year, Utah’s Republican Governor Gary Herbert took to social media to reject Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric. Utah is, as many know, the central hub for the Church of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons). About 150 years ago, they were persecuted for their religious practices. Today, they speak clearly when they say NO to the Muslim ban, and YES to helping…

Skid Row Coffee

Skid Row is a neighborhood in LA known for being a ‘dumping ground’ for homeless people. Today it houses the largest stable homeless population in the world. Skidrow Coffee is a neighborhood pop-up coffee shop and job training program for people of low-income. Working in collaboration with Bar Nine roastery, they serve impeccable caffeinated delights to the local community and greater…

An Intimate Look Inside New York’s Queer Latinx Community

Joanna Toro’s series “The Dressing Room” documents the lives of New York’s queer Latinx community. Her shots capture intimate moments backstage at drag shows and on the streets working for social change. As an ally, Joanna feels the need to highlight this spirited group to the greater Latinx community. “I began to teach myself about their challenges,” she tells the…