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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Muslim Academy Has Own Wild West Saloon

There’s a school in Reston, Virginia that embraces all identity. It’s called Al Fatih Academy and it’s an Islamic-based school. They teach on their faith, but their biggest goal is to send their students on to high school as well-rounded and empathetic individuals. ⠀⠀ The school invites representatives of different religions to talk about their faiths and to promote friendly,…

Woman Sleeps With Strangers on Subway

George Ferrandi is a Brooklyn-based artist whose latest project, ‘It Felt Like I Knew You’, involves falling asleep on strangers riding the New York subway. ‘It Felt Like I Knew You’ plays with the way we construct and shape our space. George directs her mental and emotional energy into the space between her and a stranger until she feels the…

Hold My Hand, Man

Search the hashtag #allemannenhandinhand and you’re guaranteed to smile. The backstory is tragic, but the response is beautiful. In Dutch the phrase means ‘all men, holding hands’. And that’s what you’ll find—a bunch of happy guys, hands clasped in solidarity with the worldwide LGBTQ community. It started early Sunday morning. Dutch couple Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes were walking home…

The Mother Theresa of Donuts

Betty Chinn’s been called a “philanthropic force of nature” and after we heard her story we can’t say we disagree. Every day, for 3 decades, she has risen before the sun to greet her homeless neighbors in Eureka with hot coffee and donuts. In the evening, she’s back again with dinner. Former President Obama presents…

KKK Members Quit After Meeting Black Man

It could be Daryl Davis’ mesmerizing deep and resonant voice, or that he’ll come over for dinner – no matter who you are – and listen to what you have to say. Whatever his gift, this African-American Blues musician is transforming lives in a remarkable way. After spending time with Daryl, KKK members are handing him their robes and quitting…

Owner of Chobani Dishes Out More Than Turkish Dairy

On a Tuesday morning in April of last year, Hamdi Ulukaya, founder of Greek yogurt brand Chobani, gave his 2,000 full-time employees a bit of a surprise. “I’ve built something I never thought would be such a success, but I cannot think of Chobani being built without all these people,” Mr. Ulukaya told the New York Times. Ulukaya, who immigrated…

NFL Player Picks Up Hitchhiker

Many of us rush by people stopped on the side of the road with a broken-down car because we’re often late getting somewhere. But Oakland Raiders’ Derek Carr took one for the team when he helped out Ron Reeser who’d run out of gas. The impression that he left with Ron will last a lot longer than their trip to…

Bayes Impact, Tech Non-Profit Vying for Police Transparency

The lack reporting use of force by cops is a hot topic lately, and with good reason — it’s not helping ease the worries of citizens concerned with police brutality. Bayes Impact is a nonprofit that’s working on using tech to rebuild trust between the officers and citizens. Through a partnership with California Department of Justice, Bayes just released a…

NYC Pastor for Black Lives Matter

Carl Lentz is a pastor Hillsong Church in New York City and he has one message for all of us: Black Lives Matter. He received a lot of criticism in September for rejecting the counter-phrase––All Lives Matter. His response? It’s not that all lives don’t matter, it’s that “black lives apparently are worth LESS on our streets.” So we have…

Meet a Cop Supporting Black Lives Matter

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement, and she says cops should support Black Lives Matter. In the wake of the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, she wrote in a VICE article,“I tried to focus on potential solutions, rather than the divisive language and anger—understandable though much of it is.” We know this gets heavy…