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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Why Success is Contagious

Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow have a simple message for all women: embrace the shine theory. As in, don’t cast shade on your fellow girlfriends, because supporting others’ success will, in turn, breed your own. When we see witty and successful women, let’s set aside feelings of resentment and instead feel empowered. Befriend these visionaries. Use their fiery energy to…

Olympic Volleyball Player Refuses to Remove Hijab

When Doaa El Ghobashy dug her feet into the sand at Rio’s Summer Games fans and media perked up. She wasn’t surprised. But the expected wardrobe chatter quickly took a backseat because, well, Doaa can play. It’s been a relief to read stories about her tenacity, her drive and her powerful effect on a new generation of athletes. Athletes that…

First Trans Woman To Take Senate Seat?

Misty K Snow isn’t your average cashier. In June, she won the Utah Democratic nomination for a seat in the Senate. Not the usual story, we know. But there’s a reason why: she’s sharp as a whip (no college degree needed) and has really good ideas for Utah’s future. She talks about raising the minimum wage, promoting clean energy, increasing…

‘Nextdoor’ Founder Uses Empathy to Reduce Racial Profiling

Nirav Tolia is a tech entrepreneur that uses his company to combat racism. Here’s what happened: When a grassroots group from Oakland, CA, called Neighbors for Racial Justice, approached Tolia about the prevalence of racial profiling in his neighborhood social network site called Nextdoor, he know changes needed to be made. From personal experience, Tolia understood what bias could do.…

Head of Salesforce Invests Millions in Bay Area Education

Marc Benioff and his team at Salesforce just dropped $8.5 million and 20,000 hours of volunteer time into Bay Area schools. No big deal, right? Well, no. It’s a pretty big deal. It’s the 4th year in a row Marc’s foundation has donated some serious time and money ($22 million) to SF schools. And the idea is to continue the…

Photographer Teaches City Kids How to ‘Shoot for Peace’

Yasin Osman teaches city kids to shoot. Not like, shoot shoot. He teaches them to be photographers. He hopes that this will keep them away from crime, something he knows intimately. “I don’t know anybody who’s died from cancer,” Osman told The Star. “I only know people who have been killed by gun violence.” Osman – who is also a…

After Ali’s Death, Kentucky Minister Honors Muslim Boxer’s Legacy

If it’s a Friday night you may see Derek Penwell drinking a PBR with friends. But if it’s Sunday you’ll definitely find him delivering a sermon at Douglass Boulevard Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Penwell is a minister – some might say unconventional, we just think he makes a lot of sense. Let’s take his thoughts on Muhammad Ali for…

New York Mayor Takes Compassionate Approach to Tackling City’s Drug Issues

Svante Myrick was the youngest mayor to be elected in Ithaca, NY, taking office at the age of 24 in 2011. He pulled Ithaca out of a $3.5 million deficit after just 2 years in office. But maybe his most innovative accomplishment is in public health: Svante and Ithaca have set up the country’s 1st supervised heroin injection site. Svante’s…

Muslim-American Calling for Support for Black Lives Matter

Linda Sarsour won’t sit still, or be quiet. Unlike some common Muslim female stereotypes, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind and make sh*t happen. Yes, she’s from Brooklyn. “My faith informs my role and commitment to standing up against injustice,” she said in July. This mama of three has her finger on the pulse of the nation. Her secret…

Finding Humor in the Arab-Israeli Experience in US

Ali Al Sayed grew up feeling lost and out of place in Israel – stuck between lands and languages, trapped. He learned that to be heard, humor was essential. Sayed’s an Arab-Israeli writer that lives and teaches in Chicago. He wrote Israel’s first prime time T.V. show to feature an Arab family. His biggest success though is his beautiful, evolving…