Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The Future (of Business) is Female

Futerra Sustainability Communications’ goal is to make ‘sustainable development so desirable it becomes normal’ by helping companies committed to doing good, grow. They say that building a business that’s socially and ecologically conscious is totally doable if you’ve got the right strategy. They think they have the goods to deliver. Instead of fighting economic development Futerra aims to elevate -…

Teens Design App to Battle Urban Blight

These four teenagers are kickin’ some serious booty. They’re from East Palo Alto where graffiti and litter is a big issue. Instead of trying to ignore it, they created an app to fix the problem. Margarita Tenisi, Rosie Valencia, Ashley Davis and Vanessa Tostado make up the “EPA Chica Squad”. Teamed up with a couple professional coders, they spent their…

Millennials Have Redefined Beauty

This is where you can pitch an unconventional idea and people will listen (or if you want to do the listening, check out Collins’ podcast.) Collins is the former Dean of The New School’s Parsons School of Design and he thinks the fashion industry is giving us a pretty flat impression of beauty – and leaders of the fashion and design…

Beach Bags Made from Old Kites

Now they’re proud parents of a certified b-corp – Mafia Bags. “It started as a community-based brand where friends both donated sails and used our packs, and we learned along the way – but quickly realized we had something here,” Marcos Mafia told Transworld Business. Cut and sewn by local Californians, these beachy peeps now make bags and totes for…

Comedian Turns Mental Illness Struggles into Successful T.V.

Luckily her loved ones took her in, offered tons of support, and gave her the space to heal. That’s when things began to shift. She thought, “Fuck it, I’m going to stop being afraid of everything. I’m going to do things that challenge me and I’m going to follow the fear. I don’t know how much time I have on…

12 Year Old Becomes CEO

At 12, most of us were scrounging for change in the couch to buy candy at the corner store. Julietta Solano’s 12 and is the CEO of her own business, Clovercity Soapworks. When she was 10 she collected a bunch of those gift soaps that you get from hotels. Then she melted them down to make her own. At first,…

Remembering Alexis Arquette: Cosmic Genderfluid Actor

We remember actor and trans rights activist, Alexis Arquette, who died last year. Per Alexis’ request, the family members cheered upon his/her passing. Alexis inhabited many roles, both on and off the camera. Onstage, s/he stole the show in The Wedding Singer and Pulp Fiction, wowing us all with his/her gender-bending charisma. Off stage, you may know her/him as a…

Ana Erased The Mexican Border

SF-based painter and performance artist, Ana Teresa Fernández, donned her superhero costume – black cocktail dress and stilettos – and painted part of the US-Mexico border to look like the sky. “In Mexico we say, ‘It’s better to say you are sorry than to ask for permission,'” she told InTheMake. While she was painting the border, helicopters flew overhead and…

Comic Book Artist Illustrates Asian-American Experience

As a kid, Gene Luen Yang’s mom bought him a Superman comic book. As an adult, Yang turned the whole game on its head with his graphic novel American Born Chinese. Instead of kryptonite and spandex, Gene wrote about growing up in America with immigrant parents and trying to find himself within a bicultural identity that has elements of his…

Tunisian Freedom Singer Collaborates With SF-Based Music Program

“My Word Is Free” is the name of a song by Emel Mathlouthi, which she sang at a street protest in Tunisia. Under Tunisia’s dictator Ben Ali, radio quickly banned the song, but not before it became an anthem for the Tunisian revolution during the Arab Spring. One of the many faces of resistance, Mathlouthi refused to play the ‘nice…