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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Making America Brave Again

At this year’s TED conference Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ explained that we’ve become so good at thinking about the self and unwilling to listen to people of differing views that we’re becoming isolated and afraid of the future. But he also offered a solution: put the ‘us’ back in relationships, identity, and responsibility. On relationship, he says, “We need to…

New Adidas Sneaker is 95% Recycled Ocean Plastic

Adidas just released a sneaker made of 95% recycled ocean plastics. They’re called the Parley UltraBoost X and people wanting a pair of the quick-to-sellout sneaks are left asking,“More, please!” The shoes reclaim about 11 plastic bottles per pair – meaning everything from the laces to the sock liners use recycled materials. While Adidas have done small-run eco styles in the past,…

14-yr-old Publishes Article Schooling American Historian in…American History

Rebecca Fried has guts. At age 14 she challenged the research of Richard Jensen, a historian and former University of Illinois Professor, who claimed that anti-Irish discrimination in America was a myth. He said ‘No Irish Need Apply’ signs and newspaper ads were almost non-existent in the 1840’s – 1920’s. Rebecca proved him wrong. She poked around on the web…

Muslim Academy Has Own Wild West Saloon

There’s a school in Reston, Virginia that embraces all identity. It’s called Al Fatih Academy and it’s an Islamic-based school. They teach on their faith, but their biggest goal is to send their students on to high school as well-rounded and empathetic individuals. ⠀⠀ The school invites representatives of different religions to talk about their faiths and to promote friendly,…

Reality Check: America’s ‘Crime List’

The list is really a weekly dose of stories from the millions of immigrants across the country putting in an honest day’s hard work, every day. She’s calling the project, ‘We, Too, Are America’. After you come out, you begin to realize how powerful your story actually is.” Read Yahaira’s story here: https://t.co/fvMY8BDW9F #unafraid pic.twitter.com/i0Uewplfgo — BeVisible (@bevisiblelatinx) May…

Snapchat Stumbling Over Diversity

What Snapchat has yet to realize is that diversity is not just about being decent human beings, but that it’s also good for business. And Snap users, along with neighboring tech companies, are calling them out. “Without mile markers so to speak – that is, specific numbers of employees in different demographic groups at different levels–we have no idea how…

Owner of Chobani Dishes Out More Than Turkish Dairy

On a Tuesday morning in April of last year, Hamdi Ulukaya, founder of Greek yogurt brand Chobani, gave his 2,000 full-time employees a bit of a surprise. “I’ve built something I never thought would be such a success, but I cannot think of Chobani being built without all these people,” Mr. Ulukaya told the New York Times. Ulukaya, who immigrated…

Apple, Lyft, Amazon Support Trans Teen in Supreme Court

Gavin Grimm is out for justice. The 17-year-old just wanted to be treated like any other student at Gloucester High School, Virginia. “You know, like use the bathroom without being questioned or singled out by his teachers and admin. But if there’s one thing we could all have used more of at 17 it’s mind-melting insecurities. Right?” Well, after coming…

The Future (of Business) is Female

Futerra Sustainability Communications’ goal is to make ‘sustainable development so desirable it becomes normal’ by helping companies committed to doing good, grow. They say that building a business that’s socially and ecologically conscious is totally doable if you’ve got the right strategy. They think they have the goods to deliver. Instead of fighting economic development Futerra aims to elevate -…

Hacking Immigration

Co-Founders Manan Mehta and Nitin Pachisia started Unshackled with one goal in mind: to help really good entrepreneurial ideas flourish, uninhibited by borders. “At Unshackled Ventures we know innovation and new ideas aren’t constrained by geography. It’s important to seek out and foster that entrepreneurial spirit, wherever it is,” says Manan. Drawing inspiration from personal experience––Nitin is an immigrant himself––and…