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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Bayes Impact, Tech Non-Profit Vying for Police Transparency

The lack reporting use of force by cops is a hot topic lately, and with good reason — it’s not helping ease the worries of citizens concerned with police brutality. Bayes Impact is a nonprofit that’s working on using tech to rebuild trust between the officers and citizens. Through a partnership with California Department of Justice, Bayes just released a…

Corporate Giants Diversifying Workforce

At this point, the sad state of diversity stats in Silicon Valley is pretty well known — 11% female investor rate. The good news is that there is now some serious work – and cash – being dumped into solving the problem. Take NVCA’s Diversity Task Force – led by CEO and President Bobby Franklin – for example. Bobby and…

Common Sense Media, Site For Parents Who Want Woke Kids

How do we help kids learn to see the world through another person’s eyes? There’s a group of folks dedicated to helping us all do just that. They’re called Common Sense Media. This nonprofit is a 21st Century parent’s dream. It’s a site geared towards helping kids excel in the iEverything age. It’s full of tips, tricks, and advice on…

Sailor Moon, Comic That Helps Japanese LGBTQ Community Cope

Sailor Moon and her girlfriend Sailor Neptune are one of the most popular queer couples in fantasy land. And now LGBTQ youth in Japan have adopted them as the centerpiece of their fast-growing cultural movement. An early ‘90s comic book probably isn’t the first place we’d look for an antidote to modern day intolerance. But like one trans rights activist…

Giant Steps, Music Program For Social Change

Giant Steps believes music can inspire social change. Operating out of Impact Hub San Francisco, they’re bringing together musicians and their fans to connect online and do good in the world. It’s a really creative concept and a big freakin’ deal, because the passion of artists and their community is the stuff movements are made of. This nonprofit is building…

First Trans Woman To Take Senate Seat?

Misty K Snow isn’t your average cashier. In June, she won the Utah Democratic nomination for a seat in the Senate. Not the usual story, we know. But there’s a reason why: she’s sharp as a whip (no college degree needed) and has really good ideas for Utah’s future. She talks about raising the minimum wage, promoting clean energy, increasing…

24 Year-Old Elected as Mayor of Brighton, AL

Brandon Dean is the Mayor-elect of Brighton, Alabama, and he’s more than ready to pull up his sleeves and get to work. A fifth-generation Brightonian, Dean has a personal commitment to the well-being of its people. After two internships on Capitol Hill and founding Our Blue Hope – a national political action committee that aims to fight Republican super majority…

‘Nextdoor’ Founder Uses Empathy to Reduce Racial Profiling

Nirav Tolia is a tech entrepreneur that uses his company to combat racism. Here’s what happened: When a grassroots group from Oakland, CA, called Neighbors for Racial Justice, approached Tolia about the prevalence of racial profiling in his neighborhood social network site called Nextdoor, he know changes needed to be made. From personal experience, Tolia understood what bias could do.…

Virtual Reality, Ultimate Empathy Machine

Machines that make us better at being human? Yes! Some smart folks at Stanford University are using virtual reality (VR) to give people a chance to feel what it’s like to, say, be homeless with a family. Once you’ve been there, it’s hard to not to care. Inside the VR headsets are entire worlds. When you have the headset on…

Head of Salesforce Invests Millions in Bay Area Education

Marc Benioff and his team at Salesforce just dropped $8.5 million and 20,000 hours of volunteer time into Bay Area schools. No big deal, right? Well, no. It’s a pretty big deal. It’s the 4th year in a row Marc’s foundation has donated some serious time and money ($22 million) to SF schools. And the idea is to continue the…