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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Star-C, Education Program Paired with Affordable Housing

East of Atlanta, Georgia, lives Willow Branch Apartment Homes. This affordable housing community was built in the early 70s and has been dubbed one of the most diverse areas in the country. It also was an area high in crime – but not anymore. Willow Branch hosts Star-C – an after-school academic program for the kids that live there. Founded by Marjy…

Making Social & Emotional Learning Part of School

It’s a group dedicated to helping empower youth through social and emotional learning (SEL) and sexuality education programs. That’s got to be a little relieving for LGBTQ students in at least 6 Bay Area schools. Latest reports say only half of LGBTQ students felt that school was a safe place and that none of them –– as in zero ––…

The Silk Road Built by Solar

Scott and Julie Brusaw have known each other since they were three and four. Now married and business partners, their relationship is still going strong. “I come up with dreams, ideas, concepts, and designs,” Julie told Nationswell. “Scott makes them tangible and real.” Where have their business ventures led them, you ask? To something that could (potentially) save the world. After…

Replacing Detention with Meditation

In 2016, a Baltimore-based elementary school did a radical thing: they replaced detention with meditation and yoga. Not only this, but they now start each school day with 15 minutes of mindfulness activities. Partnered up with local nonprofit – Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. – Robert W. Coleman Elementary created the Mindful Moment Room, complete with pillows and soft lighting. If…

Amanda Gorman for President

When she’s not fulfilling her duties as a sophomore student at Harvard University, 19-year-old Amanda Gorman moonlights as a poet, and a really good one too. In fact, she was the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate.…

How Bureo is Saving the Planet One Skateboard at a Time.

Ben Kneppers grew up in Cape Cod swimming in the ocean every day, learning at a young age the profound specialness of the sea. About 5 years ago, he was sent to Chile for work and stumbled upon an opportunity to start an environmentally-focused startup and it just felt right. “For as much doom and gloom as we cast on…

In 1968, Olympic Winner Stood For Equality With Fellow Black Athletes

In 1968, Peter Norman did something unheard of at the Olympics: He stood with his black peers against racism. Being the 60s, this was a big deal. Peter had won the Silver medal in the 200 meters, a close race with two African-Americans, John and Tommie. As they walked up to the podium to accept their medals, Peter made a…

Bay Area Non-Profit Teaches Design as Pathway Out of Poverty

The Inneract Project became a sparkle in Maurice Woods’ eye when he was given an assignment in his graduate class at the University of Seattle to use design to ‘change the world’. A vision came immediately to Woods – free design programs for underserved kids. That vision became The Inneract Project, a San Francisco non-profit getting kids from marginalized communities excited about…

Joan Mulholland, Civil Rights Activist from ’60s

Joan Mulholland was at the Woolworth counter for the famous sit-in and in the mix at Civil Rights marches all over the south. She was just a teen in the late 1950s and early 1960s, but she was fiercely dedicated to the idea of a human family. “The worst they could do was kill us,” said Mulholland. And dang did…

Join the March for Our Lives, Youth Led Organization to End Gun Violence

In the wake of the devastating high school shooting earlier this month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida, our youth have taken to the streets and the podium to demand change. Five of the survivors – students of the school – have announced plans for a nationwide school walkout, with another demonstration in the streets of DC, demanding that…