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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lyft’s New Grocery Access Program Tackles the Food Desert Problem

In the outer wards of Washington, DC, known as ‘food deserts’, Lyft (in partnership with Martha’s Table) is hoping to usher in a new era of wholesome foods. Quick recap: food deserts are usually impoverished areas of the country where access to real grocery stores and farmers market is almost impossible. Instead, the common replacements are quickie marts and stores with…

Hallease Narvaez and Youtube Tackle Social Change

When we’re raising a generation that spends almost more time on their devices than it does sleeping, it’s important to meet them where their attention is – online. Youtube is leveraging its power of information by giving young folks a…

This Teen Helps Formerly Incarcerated Youth Reenter Society

Jane Lyons was a high school freshman when she started a non-profit with her brother to help formerly incarcerated youth. Youth Overcoming Obstacles (YOO) is dishing out second chances. Now 18, this Delaware based woman recalls that the idea of prison stopped being an abstract concept when her neighbor was sent to the local juvenile detention center, Ferris School for Boys. “[Teens at Ferris] feel as if society is stacked against them,” Lyons said in a recent TEDxYouth show. “They simply think that our world is waiting for them to make a mistake.” Lyons realizes that everyone’s needs are unique,…

Maysoon Zayid Reveals New TV Show ‘Can Can’

Maysoon Zayid is a woman of many talents. This comedian, disability activist, and actress just revealed the development of a new show called ‘Can-Can’, soon to air on ABC. Cue the applause. Zayid, both the lead and co-producer of the show, wrote the script based on her own life as an American-Palestinian Muslim woman with Cerebral Palsy. Other executive producers include Sean Hayes of “Will & Grace”, Joanna Quraishi, and Hazy Mills. View this post on Instagram #Palestine #represent A post shared by Maysoon Zayid (@maysoonzayid) on Aug 1, 2018 at 4:52am PDT Less than 2…

Former National Teacher of the Year Runs for Congress

Jahana Hayes is one of hundreds of teachers who’ve witnessed firsthand how policymakers are hurting the education system and she refuses to stay silent. A recipient of the 2016 National Teacher of the Year Award, Hayes is now running to…

Shaun Haines and Friends Reduce Homelessness in SF

Shaun Haines first became homeless at 19 and has since dedicated his life to supporting those who are unlucky to find themselves in the same boat. His approach? While he’s a man of considerable dedication, he knows this issue isn’t a one-person job. He allies up with other dogged folks committed to ending homelessness, harnessing their empathy superpowers to create…

The Other Side of the Border

In 2017, American professor and filmmaker Isabella Alexander was on her way back to the USA from Africa when the Algerian government stopped her – she was detained for almost two weeks. When she was finally released she returned home, only to immediately plan her trip back to Africa. The reason? She needed to finish a shoot for her documentary…

‘Resilience’ – The Science Behind Stress and How to Overcome It

Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope reminds us that even a scrap of hope can be the key leading us to something big. We all get stressed, obviously, but there’s a particularly vicious kind that stems from negative childhood experiences. This ‘toxic stress’ can affect some people forever. Based primarily on scientific research by epidemiologist Robert Anda and…

Bay Area Non-Profit Teaches Design as Pathway Out of Poverty

The Inneract Project became a sparkle in Maurice Woods’ eye when he was given an assignment in his graduate class at the University of Seattle to use design to ‘change the world’. A vision came immediately to Woods – free design programs for underserved kids. That vision became The Inneract Project, a San Francisco non-profit getting kids from marginalized communities excited about…