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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jane Bolin, First African American Woman Judge

Jane Matilda Bolin was born in 1908 in Poughkeepsie, New York. Her father owned his own legal practice so Jane grew up steeped in conversation and books on law. Despite warnings from her dad, she knew at a young age that this was her calling as well. “It is easy to imagine how a young, protected child who sees portrayals…

Join the March for Our Lives, Youth Led Organization to End Gun Violence

In the wake of the devastating high school shooting earlier this month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida, our youth have taken to the streets and the podium to demand change. Five of the survivors – students of the school – have announced plans for a nationwide school walkout, with another demonstration in the streets of DC, demanding that…

Meet the Doctor Bringing Health Care to the Streets

What began as a small endeavor 1992 has blossomed into a worldwide movement that is reshaping how some folks access medical care. With a formerly homeless friend, Dr. Jim Withers packed his backpack full of medical supplies and took to the streets. Now, through Operation Safety Net—the non-profit he founded—Withers and small groups of medical students travel through the city five…

Best Day Project is a Suicide Prevention Project That Will Help You Keep Your Head Up

Grace Kim grew up in a community where being gay was unacceptable. At age 4 they already knew they didn’t fit within the gender binary (Kim uses gender-neutral pronouns), and the trauma led them to become selectively mute for almost 20 years. They were severely depressed and suicidal. They decided that before they committed suicide they would have one amazing day.…

Forest Bathing: Free Medicine, No Swallowing Required

In case you missed it, forest bathing is a form of stress-reducing therapy that first began in Japan (called ‘shinrin-yoku’) and is taking off all over the US. No bathing suit required here – all you need is a little bit of time to play in the woods. Recent Japanese research shows that this is, in fact, medicine that works.…

Mormon Musician Dan Reynolds Throws Festival for LGBTQ Youth

Dan Reynolds, the frontman for Imagine Dragons, believes art should start conversations and create real change. Reynolds was raised Mormon and still considers himself one, but there were some messages from the Church that didn’t sit right with him, like their mixed messages when it came to accepting LGBTQ folks. “I don’t necessarily agree with a lot of the culture…

SF Supervisor Jane Kim Proposes Taxing Robots

In August, SF Supervisor Jane Kim launched a campaign called Jobs of the Future Fund, with intentions to find solutions for those who will inevitably lose jobs as automation increases. “Proceeds from the tax would bankroll things like job retraining, free community college, or perhaps a universal basic income―countermeasures Kim thinks might make a robotic future more bearable for humans,”…

Tough Talks With Kids

Instead of tiptoeing around tough talks, let’s help them gain awareness in a way that isn’t overwhelming. Because even if they don’t explicitly understand it, they pick up on racism and prejudice at an early age. Give ‘em books on POC, celebrate bi-racial heritages, volunteer as an educator at their elementary school, etc. The bottom line is: talk about it.…

Access to Legal Representation is Key to Democracy

The U.S. is actually one of the lowest ranked democracies when it comes to fairness in the justice system. Ouch. But take a look, some smarties in San Francisco are changing things. Open Door Legal operates on this idea of universal access to legal representation. They know that those with money and power usually get to call the shots, and…